Contents tagged with czech republic

  • Czech Republic to begin ammunition deliveries to Ukraine in June amid supply challenges

    According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský, the first physical deliveries of shells to Ukraine are expected in June.

    Thanks to the so-called "Czech initiative" for supplying ammunition to Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to receive between 50,000 and 100,000 shells monthly, reports Evropeyska Pravda, citing statements from representatives of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    "The first physical deliveries to Ukraine will happen very …

  • Funding shortfall for Czech-led ammunition initiative for Ukraine, says Estonian Defense Minister

    Several countries have already contributed to the Czech Republic's initiative to procure ammunition for Ukraine, but funds are still insufficient, said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur as reported by ERR.

    "If we're talking about a million rounds, that translates to around three billion euros. There are different calibers, cheaper ones to a lesser extent. It would be great if we could get it all done. Currently, it can be said that there is a larger shortfall in funding than in ammunition, …

  • Czech Republic to provide additional ammunition to Ukraine

    The Czech Republic's Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, announced that his country could secure an additional 200,000 rounds of ammunition for Ukraine on a non-mandatory basis. This would be in addition to the 500,000 artillery rounds that Prague had previously pledged.

    "I consider this to be a significant success. It's further proof that the Czech Republic is fully active in European security politics," he stated, according to Czech News.

    The Prime Minister also mentioned that 18 countries have now …

  • Czech Republic seeks funding to supply millions of ammunition rounds to Ukraine

    Czech Republic has identified a way to procure 3.5 million rounds of ammunition for Ukraine but needs funding to do so, said the country’s president, Petr Pavel at the "Ukrainian Lunch", hosted by the Pinchuk Foundation in Munich.

    Speaking during a panel discussion involving leaders from five EU member states, Pavel addressed the challenges related to supplying arms and ammunition to the Ukrainian forces. He stated that Prague has devised a means to arrange such deliveries.

    "We need to …

  • Czech Republic to send combat helicopters and ammunition to Ukraine

    The Czech Republic will send additional attack helicopters and ammunition to Ukraine. It will also help with the training of pilots on Western fighter jets, said Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    "Supporting Ukraine is a foreign policy priority for me and my government. We will continue to support and participate in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. We must continue with this assistance. The Czech Republic is sending …

  • Czech Republic crowd funds purchase of T-72 tank for Ukraine

    Czech citizens have crowd funded the purchase of a modernized T-72 tank to be given to the Ukrainian military.

    According to the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Yevhen Perebynis, the Czech Republic is the first country to crowd fund the purchase of a tank.

    “The Czech Republic became the first country where ordinary people bought a tank for @DefenceU - a modernized T-72 AVANGER. It was given the name Tomas (on the left in the photo). More than 11,000 people collected 33 million …

  • Czech President demands that Russia be disconnected from SWIFT

    Czech President Milos Zeman condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and called for the introduction of tough anti-Russian sanctions, including the disconnection of Russian banks from the international payment system SWIFT.

    "With these actions , Russia is committing crimes against humanity," Zeman said  in a televised address. “The irrational decision of the leadership of the Russian Federation will cause significant damage to Russia itself. I think that the time has come to start tougher …

  • Czech Republic is ready to provide weapons to Ukraine

    The new government of the Czech Republic expressed its readiness to provide Ukraine with the necessary weapons amid the growing threat of Russian aggression, reported the Czech newspaper Hospodarske noviny.

    Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová said that there is a consensus regarding Ukraine in the current government coalition, consisting of five parties.

    "I talk a lot with Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, and we have similar views regarding assistance to Ukraine coincide," she said. …

  • Canada and Czech Republic strengthen military support for Ukraine

    Two more countries have resolutely sided with Ukraine in defending its territorial integrity amid ongoing buildup of Russian troops along its borders.

    Canadian and Czech authorities have announced that are increasing military cooperation with Kyiv as Russia.

    Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly did not rule out the possibility of her country sending weapons to Ukraine but did not provide any details about it.

    "The most important thing right now is really to work with Ukrainians to deal …

  • Czech Republic demands compensation from Russia for ammunition warehouse explosions

    The Czech Republic demanded that Russia pay compensation for damages caused by explosions at ammunition depots in Vrbetice in 2014, reported the Czech Foreign Ministry.

    Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Martin Smolek gave the Russian Ambassador to Prague, Aleksandr Zmeyevsky, a note, which speaks about the international responsibility of the Russian Federation and the demand to fully compensate for the damage caused by the explosions in Vrbetica.

    According to the news outlet Idnes. …