Contents tagged with Gerogia

  • EU Parliament calls for response to Russian minisformation

    European Parliament has passed a resolution which names Russia as the chief – albeit not the only – source of misinformation directed against EU countries and other European countries, especially Ukraine and Georgia,reports Deutsche Welle..

    In a resolution passed on October 10, EU lawmakers drew attention to the “extremely dangerous nature of Russian propaganda,” and urged the European Commission to develop “an effective strategy to rapidly and reliably counter Russian misinformation”. In …

  • The IMF allocated $285.3 million to Georgia for economic reforms

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) provided Georgia with $285.3 million in a three-year program aimed at supporting economic reforms, as stated in the fund's report.

    “The EFF (Extended Fund Facility) supported program will help Georgia reduce economic vulnerabilities, pursue well-coordinated policies, and promote economic growth,” the IMF clarified.

    According to the report, the program includes “ambitious structural reforms” aimed at improving education, investing in infrastructure, making …