• Poland did not invite Putin to the 80th anniversary of World War II outbreak

    The office of Poland’s President Andrzej Duda did not invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to participate in the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Second World War outbreak.

    “Russia is not included in the list of the invited countries,” Radio Poland quoted the president’s spokesman Błażej Spychalski.

    According to Spychalski, "the invitations have been issued according to a modern, not a historical context," therefore, it was decided to refuse Putin’s presence, reads the …

  • NATO fighters scrambled four times to intercept Russian aircraft over the Baltic last week

    NATO fighters, which protect the airspace of the Baltic countries, flew four times to intercept Russian aircraft last week, the Polish Radio reported.

    “NATO jets twice (on March 11 and 12) flew to identify the Russian Su-35 and Su-27 fighters, which accompanied Russian passenger planes Tu-134. On March 13 and 14, the fighters scrambled to intercept the Russian An-26 transport jets and one Il-18,” the statement read.

    The airspace of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is now being protected by …

  • Two Russian intelligence front companies uncovered in Czech Republic

    The network of Russian intelligence agents operating under cover in the Czech republic included both Czech nationals and Russians who had obtained Czech citizenship, according to an investigation published by the Czech news magazine Respekt.

    In December last year, Czech President Miloš Zeman criticized his country’s counterintelligence for claiming supposedly without proof that there is a large number of Russian and Chinese spies in the country. At the time, Zeman emphasized that there was no …

  • Russian Defense Minister visits Syria to deliver Putin’s message to al-Assad

    The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that on Tuesday, March 19, Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu, paid an official visit to Syria, reports TASS.

    According to his representatives, the head of the Russian military department held talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus where he gave him a message from Putin. The ministry did not disclose the content of the message, only noting that during the negotiations Shoygu and al-Assad discussed "issues of combating international …

  • Russia and US start talks on future of Venezuela

    Russia and the US will soon start talks on the future of Venezuela, which for years has been suffering from a sever economic crisis, hyperinflation, and a shortage of basic necessities, and is now also facing a bitter political crisis.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov arrived in Rome early this week to meet with the US Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on 4 March that he is willing …