• American Ambassador to Russia: US has reasons not to make public evidence of pro-Russian separatists’ involvement in the crash of MH17 flight in the Donbas

    The US has not declassified available evidence that the Malaysian Boeing from July 2014 was shot down from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, as US intelligence agencies are interested in keeping their sources of information secret, as stated in an interview with the radio station Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) by the US Ambassador to Russia, John Tefft.

    "There are sources and methods which they won't talk about. And it seems to me that any intelligence agency …

  • Two local MPs killed in separatist-held Luhansk

    "In the Kamennobrodsky district of the city of Luhansk, on the evening of August 27, on a private housing construction site, there was a killing of two persons who were deputies of the People's Council of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic)," reported LPR media, citing the representative of Prosecutor General’s Office, Grigory Tsevenko. The circumstances of the murder have not been reported.

    The separatist website LuganskInformCenter reported that Anatoly Krivonosov and Inna Kuznetsova were …

  • Volker calls on Ukraine to avoid pursuing development of nuclear weapons

    The United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, Kurt Volker warned Ukraine against attempts to regain nuclear weapons.

    In an interview with Direct, a new pro-Ukrainian TV channel, Volker said that Ukraine had made the right step when abandoned nuclear weapons.

    "If Ukraine did not join the countries that abandoned nuclear weapons, it would not be a good decision. I do not think that nuclear weapons would be anything positive for Ukraine. I would not like to see Ukraine to …

  • German Foreign Minister calls for gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia

    On August 27, while answering questions from citizens on the government's open day, German Foreign Minister Zigmar Gabriel stated that he continues to advocate a gradual lifting of sanctions on Russia as it fulfills the Minsk agreements, Ukrinform reports.

    This is not the first time that Gabriel suggested that sanctions against Russia should be lifted gradually, without waiting for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. "If sanctions were gradually introduced, why can they not be …

  • Saakashvili fears that Tbilisi and Kyiv will accuse him of preparing a coup in Georgia

    Stripped of Ukrainian citizenship, the former head of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, said that the Georgian authorities "in full coordination with the hucksters in Ukraine" are preparing a new charge against him: a coup de-tat in Georgia.

    "They promised Poroshenko that they would lay charges before September 10. The fact is that accusations about state funds embezzlement in the form of funeral wreaths purchase and foreign delegations’ reception under the Ukrainian Criminal Procedure …