Abe hopes to reach an agreement with Russia over Kuril Islands

On Sunday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he plans to visit Russia early this year in order to reach a settlement on the contested Kuril Islands, TASS reported.

Speaking in the Yamaguchu Prefecture, Abe said, "Having the firm intention to settle [Kuril Islands] within this generation, we hope [to apply] every effort for negotiations.”

"For that, early this year I want to visit Russia,” Abe added.

The dispute over the four Kuril Islands, which Tokyo considers its “northern territories,” complicates relations between Russia and Japan. Moscow claims that the islands became part of the Soviet Union following the Second World War and that Russian sovereignty over them is not subject to revision. Tokyo insists that the islands are Japanese territories. Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in December, but failed to reach an agreement on the disputed islands.

  Japan, Russia, Kuril Islands
