The OSCE is ready to send armed observers to the Donbas

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is open to sending armed personnel to eastern Ukraine if this proposal is agreed to by all parties. This was declared by the Secretary General of the OSCE, Lamberto Zannier.

The organization is currently supervising a fragile ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and rebels in Donbas.

Comments made by Zannier reflect the extent of the danger that the current unarmed observers are exposed to while monitoring the ceasefire. He says that the truce is constantly being violated, causing the deaths of military personnel and civilians.

During his visit to Kiev, Zannier reported that the observers were exposed to persecutions, threats and attacks. Their movements were also being limited by separatists. According to the present mandate, unarmed observers of the OSCE were sent to the Donbas to assist in the implementation of the ceasefire agreements.

“There are ideas about using a police contingent, while others suggest that we give weapons to observers, especially those in a contact zone,” Zannier added.

“I am open to these offers. The OSCE potentially has an opportunity to have a stronger mission. We do however all need to agree on the solution,” Zannier emphasized.

He reported that the OSCE had calculated approximately 1000 violations of the ceasefire agreements in one day.

The death toll of Ukrainian soldiers rose drastically in the spring after a relative calm period at the beginning of the year. Approximately 20 soldiers were killed in April compared to only five killed in January. Both parties have accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreements, which prohibit the use of heavy arms.

  Ukraine, OSCE, Donbas
