Contents tagged with Armenia

  • Turkish media: Armenia gives Russia four fighter jets with pilots to help with invasion of Ukraine

    Armenia supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine and even provided Russia with combat aircraft and pilots, reported the Turkish newspaper of Haber Global, citing intelligence data.

    "Following the long-standing policy of occupation of the South Caucasus, Armenia now supports the Russian occupation of Ukraine. Armenia has sent combat aircraft and pilots to participate in the war on the side of the Russian army, " the newspaper says.

    According to intelligence reports, on March 25, four Su-30 combat …

  • Fighting begins again between Armenia and Azerbaijan

    Fighting has resumed between Armenia and Azerbaijan after a year of relative calm on the border, established when Yerevan capitulated in the war over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    A series of armed incidents and occasional firefights that began a week ago escalated into full-fledged clashes on Tuesday with the use of large-caliber weapons, mortars and human casualties.

    The Armenian Defense Ministry reported that at about 13.00 Moscow time, Azerbaijani Armed Forces units fired at Armenian positions, and …

  • Russia expands its military base in Armenia

    Two fortified areas of the Russian 102nd military base have been established in the Syunik region, in the south of Armenia, said Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

    "This is an additional guarantee to ensure the security not only of the Syunik region, but also of Armenia," he said. According to Pashinyan, the Armenian-Russian joint grouping of troops is defending all the borders of the republic.

    The Syunik region borders, among other things, with the areas of Nagorno-Karabakh, which were captured …

  • Erdogan and Aliyev condemn Biden’s recognition of Armenian genocide

    Turkish President Recep Erdogan held a telephone conversation with the of Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, during which the presidents of the two countries condemned the statement of the American President Joseph Biden on the Armenian genocide.

    "During the telephone conversation, the presidents condemned the statement of US President George Biden about the so-called "Armenian genocide,"" the statement published on Aliyev’s website reads.

    Aliyev called the words of the American President a …

  • Armenian Prime Minister confirms purchase of Su-30SM fighter jets from Russia without missiles

    Armenia has indeed purchased Su-30SM fighter jets from Russia without air-to-air missiles, said Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a meeting with residents of the town of Ohanavan in the Aragatsotn Province, Sputnik Armenia reports.

    He blamed the previous leadership of the country for such a decision. "Yes, we bought the plane, it was delivered in May, and yes, we did not have time to buy missiles before the war. Well, you'd buy aircraft so we could buy rockets. Why didn't the 26- …

  • Media: Moscow urged Armenia to launch Iskander missiles on Azerbaijan during Nagorno-Karabakh war

    Armenia launched at least one Iskander ballistic missile on Azerbaijani capital during the last armed clash in Nagorno-Karabakh, reported the publication Middle East Eye with a reference to a high-ranking official. The newspaper’s source said that the missile was fired in November last year, after a month and a half of heavy fighting. The source claims that the initiative to launch a missile at Baku came from Moscow. The Russians allegedly helped to carry out the launch, in an attempt to force …

  • Azerbaijani President: Russian peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh will end in 5 years

    At a press conference on February 26, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that Russian military who is on a peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh, will leave in 5 years.

    Aliyev noted that Russiam troops are in the territory that is wholly owned by Azerbaijan. He assured that the Russian mission in Nagorno-Karabakh will not last for decades.

    "The term is 5 years, then, if everything is good, they will leave," Aliyev said.

    He said that he would not allow the construction of foreign …

  • Armenian Prime Minister: during Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Russian missiles worked only 10 percent of the time

    During the war in Nagorno-Karabakh in the autumn of 2020, the Russian Iskander missiles in service with Armenian Armed Forces did not exploded "or exploded only 10% of the time", said Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in an interview with the website

    Answering the journalist's question: "How is it possible?", Pashinyan replied: "I don't know... Maybe it’s an 80s weapon."

    Pashinyan’s comments came in response to the words of the country's former Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan that …

  • Armed clashes continue in Nagorno-Karabakh

    Azerbaijan's State Security Service had to conduct an " anti-terrorist operation" near the village of Hadrut in Nagorno-Karabakh, said Azerbaijan's State Security Service and the Ministry of Defense in a joint statement.

    According to Azerbaijani officials, some Armenian armed groups remained in a wooded area in the northwestern part of Hadrut village in Azerbaijan's Khojavend District even after the ceasefire agreement took effect.

    According to Azerbaijan, Armenia said that these armed groups …

  • Armenian Prime Minister: electronic warfare systems bought for $42 million failed to protect the sky over Nagorno-Karabakh

    During the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, the electronic warfare systems purchased for $42 million did not work and failed to close the sky, stated Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a video address to the nation.

    "The sky was not "closed," ladies and gentlemen, because in 2017 we purchased $42 million worth of systems for the Armenian army (apparently referring to the deal to purchase Russian-made Repellent electronic warfare systems) which, as it turned out, simply did not work. The co- …