Contents tagged with Georgia

  • Romania hopes decision on NATO Black Sea fleet will be made in the coming months

    According to Activenews reports, Romanian Minister of Defense Mihnea Motoc hopes that the decision to create a NATO fleet of Romanian, Ukrainian and Georgian ships will be made at the coming summit of the Alliance that should take place in July in Warsaw.

    According to the Minister, this group, which will be established in the Black Sea basin will be a sizeable brigade of Romanian, Ukrainian and Georgian naval forces. Motoc also emphasized that Romania hopes that a decision “on the prevention …

  • Georgia offers to become a mediator in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

    Following the Leader of the Parliamentary Majority, Giorgi Volski, who proposed to hold the Azerbaijani-Armenian talks in Tbilisi, Georgia's Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Vakhtang Kapanadze, has offered for Georgia to play "a role of mediator" in the conflict.

    According to Kapanadze, Georgia is one of the countries that has good relations with both sides of the conflict.

    "It is unfortunate that a peaceful solution of this problem has failed for several reasons. It is a painful …

  • Resolution on support of Savchenko to be voted on in Georgian parliament

    The Committee on External Relations of the Georgian Parliament unanimously supported draft resolution in support of the former Ukrainian Ground Forces pilot, Nadiya Savchenko, who has been condemned in Russia. The draft was presented by the Free Democrats faction. This draft is to be discussed in the Georgia Parliament as reported by Georgia Online.The document states that the Parliament of Georgia calls on Russian authorities to immediately release Ms. Nadiya Savchenko and other illegally …

  • UK Foreign Secretary: Georgia is a successful model in the region

    On the 30th of March, 2016, the British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond arrived on an official visit to Georgia. According to the Georgian Foreign Ministry, at the beginning of the visit, the Head of the British Foreign Office honored the memory of those who died for the territorial integrity of the country. Then he held meetings with the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament and the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, as reported by Ekho Kavkaza.

    "We attach special importance …

  • British Foreign Secretary says Russia is a global threat

    Philip Hammond said that Russia ignores the norms of international behavior and violates the rules of the international system.

    “Russia is a global threat, because its politics are contrary to international legal norms,” as said by the British Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, at a press conference in Tbilisi, during his visit to Georgia, Deutsche Welle reported.

    "Russia ignores the norms of international behavior and violates the rules of the international system. It is a challenge and a …

  • Georgia to send troops to Afghanistan as part of NATO mission

    The Georgian military will go to Afghanistan to participate in the mission, ‘Resolute Support,’ as reported by the Press Service of the Georgian Ministry of Defense. The soldiers will stay in Afghanistan for seven months and will be divided into two groups. The reinforced company of the 42nd Battalion of the Fourth Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces will work on the protection of the ‘Resolute Support’ headquarters, located in Kabul, and a National Guard platoon and the 52nd Battalion of …

  • US House to consider resolution on territorial integrity of Georgia

    The co-chairs of the US Congressional Georgian Caucus, Ted Poe and Gerald Connolly, introduced a draft resolution to the US House of Representatives on supporting the territorial integrity of Georgia, as reported by the IPN News Agency.

    In particular, the document "condemns the military intervention in Georgia and the occupation of Georgian territories by Russia as well as Russia's illegal actions along the occupation line." In addition, the resolution calls for Russia to withdraw its …

  • Georgia denies Russia's request to abolish law 'On Occupied Territories'

    The Government of Georgia does not intend to abolish the law "On Occupied Territories", but this law may be eased for the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian families, said the Minister of Justice of Georgia, Thea Tsulukiani, on Wednesday, as reported by Interfax.

    "The law 'On Occupied Territories' will be in force as long Georgian territories are occupied, because we need a special legal regime that governs the entry and exit of people on these territories, as well as many other issues," …

  • Georgian Foreign Minister to meet with US Secretary of State

    On March 14-18, the Georgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mikheil Janelidze, will make an official visit to the United States. According to First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs David Zalkaliani, Janelidze will have meetings with representatives of the U.S. executive and legislative powers.

    In particular, Minister Janelidze will meet with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. During the visit, meetings will also be held with representatives from the White House, as well as with the Senate and …

  • Georgia refuses to purchase more gas from Gazprom

    Georgia has no need to purchase additional gas from Russia's Gazprom, the Minister of Energy of Georgia, Kakha Kaladze, said on Friday, Georgia Online writes.

    "The talks with Gazprom have not yet been completed and the contract not yet executed. A few days ago we sent them our final offer, which was announced by Georgia. We should continue to receive 10 percent in raw form, i.e. natural gas. We do not need additional volumes. Georgia will be provided with gas within a few years," the Minister …