Contents tagged with Germany

  • Germany allocates an additional 6 million Euros for humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine

    The Federal Government of Germany has earmarked an additional 6 million Euros for humanitarian projects of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in eastern Ukraine for 2016-2017, the German Embassy press service reported. The stated aim of the project is the provision of food products to people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine and are in need of assistance.

    The project makes an important contribution to ensuring the survival of large numbers of internally …

  • Merkel: Sanctions against Russia will not end by themselves

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that sanctions imposed against Russia “will not end by themselves.”

    According to Reuters, she stated that implementing the Minsk Agreements is the key to lifting the sanctions.

    The EU imposed economic sanctions against Russia in July 2014 due to the crisis in Ukraine. In response, Russia banned the import of a number of products from the EU. The European Union tied these sanctions to the Minsk Agreements. According to the EU, the terms of the Minsk …

  • Germany's Economic Minister looks forward to Russia's return to the G8

    Germany’s Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, hopes to restore an atmosphere of trust and open dialogue with Moscow. According to Deutsche Welle, he said this during an interview with the Russlandkontrovers website.

    According to Gabriel, Russia is still the main partner of Germany.

    “The strength of German-Russian relations lies in overcoming critical situations and, even in a difficult period, continuing to cooperate,” he added.

    Gabriel also …

  • Germany will support the Nord Stream II project under three conditions

    Germany will support the Nord Stream II gas pipeline project on three conditions, Bloomberg reports, quoting Minister of Economy and Energy of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. Gabriel made the statement in anticipation of a meeting with a member of the European Commission for Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete.

    "Germany has set three conditions for the project to happen. Nord Stream must meet the requirements of the law, does not threaten the transit of gas through Ukraine, and will not limit gas supplies to …

  • German private detective is suspected of contacts with the perpetrators of MH17 downing

    A German private detective was subject to search and seizure as part of the investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 that happened two years ago in the Donbas. Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday that the detective allegedly contacted the perpetrators of the crash.

    According to the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Netherlands, Wim de Bruin, investigators searched the detective's apartment in the German town of Bad Schwartau and a safe-deposit …

  • Germany has included Russia on the list of threats to national security

    Die Welt reports that the new edition of the “White Book,” which serves as a guide for the management of German national security policy, now lists Russia as one of the main threats to German national security.

    The newspaper states that the German government has not updated the White Book since 2006. The new version of the document states that in terms of security, the world "has changed a lot," as everything became "complicated, volatile and difficult to predict." In this regard, the updated …

  • Merkel's advisor: It's too early to lift sanctions on Russia

    The discussion surrounding the cancellation of EU sanctions against Russia is premature, as stated by the German Chancellor's foreign policy advisor, Christoph Heusgen, Deutsche Welle reports. "If the current situation stays the same, I see no reason for sanctions not to be extended for another six months," Heusgen said.

    He indicated that the removal of restrictive measures on Russia is connected to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. At the same time, according to Heusgen, the Minsk …

  • New Antonov An-178 makes international debut at ILA Berlin Air Show

    The new Ukrainian transport aircraft An-178 which was developed by the state enterprise Antonov, and boasts a lifting capacity of 18 tons debuted in the summer program at the International Aerospace ILA Berlin Air Show-2016. As the company’s press service reports, the new Ukrainian freighter fulfilled all aerobatic elements in extremely adverse weather conditions.

    "Due to difficult weather conditions demonstration flights were allowed only for the European transport A400M produced by Airbus …

  • Merkel sees no reason to ease sanctions against Russia

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel sees no reason to ease the sanctions against Russia.

    According to Reuters, this was stated by the German Deputy Government Spokesperson, Christiane Wirtz.

    On Tuesday, the German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that some European Union (EU) countries are skeptical about extending sanctions against Russia. He also said that it was not clear whether or not the EU would extend them.

    “I can only say that the Chancellor is in constant communication …

  • Parliament of German city could vote to lift sanctions on Russia

    The Left Faction of the Parliament of the German city of Quakenbrück (Lower Saxony) has submitted a request to recognize the Crimea as part of Russia and abolish the anti-Russian sanctions as reported by the Chairman of the Left Parliamentary Faction, Andreas Maurer, during his visit to the Russian-occupied Crimea, RIA Novosti reports.

    "We can ask the same questions that were raised in Italy. I thought I should to turn to my colleagues in eastern Germany, as they have the most votes in …