Contents tagged with Germany

  • German diplomat: The situation in eastern Ukraine 'excites concern'

    Gernot Erler, the Special Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany for Russian policy, noted that the threats to the members of the special OSCE monitoring mission are "unacceptable." Erler reiterated his call for the fulfilment of the Minsk agreements.Reports of observers of the special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE about the increased ceasefire violations in the east of Ukraine, as well as the presence of heavy weapons there "excite concern,” Erler said. "I urge all parties to …

  • Die Welt: German intelligence agencies to strengthen defense against Russian spying and propaganda

    German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported that the Federal Government of Germany is planning to strengthen measures for the fight against spying, propaganda and misinformation from Russia. According to Welt am Sonntag, the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany and Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution will report on activity of Russian Security Services in the Federal Republic of Germany.The high-profile alleged rape of the German teen “Liza” became a catalyst for …

  • German companies to build several factories in Ukraine

    The number of jobs in German-owned factories in Ukraine will double in the near future. New plants will produce automotive components and will be located in the Western Ukraine. Plans to establish the automotive components plants in Ukraine were announced by the representative of the German Economic development Delegation during their visit to Kiev.

    German automakers promise to create nearly ten thousand new jobs in Ukraine. Currently, in western regions of the country over 23,000 Ukrainians …

  • Der Taggespiegel: Russian hackers threaten German power grids

    German energy sector companies are being threatened by hacker attacks, which may be supported by Russian secret services, as reported on Saturday, March 12th, by Tagesspiegel. According to the letter, which the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution sent to various German economic associations, there is evidence that a large-scale attack by the hacker group, Sofacy, is being prepared. In the worst case this may lead to damage of power plants and networks.

    Malicious software, …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany: Berlin is too friendly towards Moscow

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, stated that Berlin is "too friendly towards Russia". Melnyk believes that the German government tries to shift the blame to Ukraine for the slow implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

    According to Melnyk, Germany is seeking favors from Russia, Deutsche Welle reported referring to the DPA Agency.

    The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany believes that Berlin is sending the wrong signals to Moscow. "Moscow perceives these signals of reconciliation …

  • Normandy Format Ministers have yet to reach an agreement on the issues of elections in the Donbas

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, stated that he does not feel that any breakthroughs were made during the talks between the Foreign Ministers of the ‘Normandy Four’ countries in Paris, Reuters reports.

    The Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Germany, Russia and France were unable to agree on the key issue of the meeting- the elections in specified districts of the Donbas region.  Germany and France have proposed to hold elections in the first half of 2016.  Moscow, …

  • German police detain Russian citizen suspected of having ties to the so-called Islamic State

    In North Rhine-Westphalia, police have detained a Russian who was collecting money and military equipment for the so-called Islamic State, as reported on Friday, March 4th, by the Neue Westfälische newspaper, citing a source from the prosecutor's office of the city of Hamm.

    According to the report, a 27-year-old Russian citizen was detained the day before in Kirchlengern near the district center of Herford. He supposedly raised funds for the so-called Islamic State and tried to get military …

  • German Finance Minister: Putin fears European democratic model

    German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, stated that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is afraid of the European social and democratic model and therefore is trying to separate EU member States.

    He stated on the 3rd of March, in London, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is afraid of the European democratic model thus, Europe has to resist his attempts to separate EU member states. According to Schäuble, the Russian Government is not concerned about the extension of the European …

  • Merkel urges German businesses to 'show patience' with regard to sanctions against Russia

    Angela Merkel emphasized that sanctions may be lifted only after the Minsk Agreements have been fully implemented. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged businesses to demonstrate patience towards the lifting of sanctions against Russia. On February 23rd, speaking at the annual Economic Council of the Christian Democratic Union in Stralsund, Merkel acknowledged that business, to a certain extent, has been adversely affected by sanctions. The Chancellor emphasized that they may be lifted only …

  • German Foreign Minister: Ukraine needs a zero tolerance policy on corruption

    On the 23rd of February, at the talks in Kiev, the Foreign Ministers of Germany and France called on the Ukrainian authorities to uproot corruption and to adopt electoral law in the regions of the Donbas controlled by separatists as soon as possible.

    “It is necessary to push ahead with the implementation of economic reforms. However, it is extremely important that this policy is based on a zero tolerance for corruption,” the Foreign Minister of France, Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated during the …