Contents tagged with Hungary

  • U.S. Intelligence alerts Hungary of possible armed threat on 1956 Uprising anniversary

    U.S. intelligence has reportedly alerted Hungarian authorities about a potential armed action planned for October 23rd, a date marked by the beginning of Hungary's uprising against Soviet forces in 1956, reported the Hungarian news outlet Telex.

    The report notes that the U.S. passed on information to Hungary regarding the potential threat approximately two weeks ago.

    According to the U.S., certain individuals may be preparing for an armed attack on the anniversary of the 1956 events.

    While …

  • EU seeks to overcome Hungary's veto and secure military aid for Ukraine by November

    EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrel, expressed optimism that member states could approve his proposal to allocate over six billion euros from the European Peace Facility for Kyiv's military needs by November, circumventing Hungary's veto.

    "We need to reach a consensus that unlocks both the European Peace Facility and the Ukraine Support Fund. While I can't guarantee 100 percent success now, I believe all countries will eventually agree," Borrell stated during a press …

  • Hungary seeks new routes for Russian oil imports amid Ukrainian sanctions on Lukoil

    Hungarian oil and gas company Mol has proposed a new scheme to transit Russian oil through Ukraine, under which Mol would take on responsibility for the supplies, according to the Russian news agency RBC. As Gergely Gulyás, Chief of Staff for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, told reporters, Mol is currently in discussions regarding this arrangement. Gulyás noted that while the new scheme would be more expensive and risky, it is part of Mol's efforts to find alternative solutions, as …

  • German politicians demand action against Hungary's plan to ease entry for Russians and Belarusians

    German politician Manfred Weber, member of the Christian Social Union and head of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, has called for strict measures against Hungary’s plans to simplify entry into the country for Russian and Belarusian workers. "Those who let Russians into the EU without checks threaten Europe's security," Weber told Bild am Sonntag in an interview.

    "Putin’s spies and assassins have already caused great damage to the EU and Germany," Weber said, adding that …

  • Hungary eases entry for Russians and Belarusians, sparking EU concerns

    Hungary has reportedly eased entry conditions for Russians and Belarusians, allowing them access to the EU without stringent checks, repots Deutsche Welle.

    After Viktor Orban’s visit to Moscow, Budapest has included Russian and Belarusian citizens in its so-called "national card" program. Intended for those wanting to work in Hungary, this card is issued for two years with the possibility of extension.

    Journalists have noted that holders of the "national card" bypass special European-level …

  • Polish Deputy Foreign Minister criticizes Hungary for pro-Russian stance

    In a stark contrast to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Poland refuses to engage in business with Russia, declared Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski. He emphasized that the current policies of the Hungarian leader are anti-European, anti-Ukrainian, and anti-Polish, as reported by PAP.

    "I genuinely do not understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations it dislikes so much [the EU and NATO] and that supposedly treat it poorly. Why doesn't [Orban] …

  • EU stalemate: Hungary’s veto paralyses military aid to Ukraine

    Hungary once again blocked military aid funds for Ukraine. According to Josep Borrell, the EU has been unable to transfer earmarked funds to Ukraine for over a year due to the veto from a single country. At this stage, there is no constructive way out of this situation.

    EU Foreign Ministers were unable to reach an agreement on unlocking the funds from the "European Peace Facility" during their meeting in Brussels. These funds are essential for supplying arms to Ukraine, Ukrinform cites the EU' …

  • Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's international tour continues with unannounced visit to China amid controversial diplomatic moves

    A plane commonly used by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for international visits is currently over Russian airspace and is set to land in China on the morning of July 8th.

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has already visited Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan, and is now en route to China. According to the Hungarian news outlet, Orban will arrive in the People’s Republic of China at dawn on Monday, July 8th.

    The Hungarian government has yet to provide any details about the …

  • Ukraine condemns Hungarian Prime Minister's ‘peace mission’ to Moscow following Kyiv visit

    Ukraine's Foreign Ministry has responded to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's trip to Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. This visit by the Hungarian leader came almost immediately after his trip to Kyiv and on the fifth day after Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union.

    The Ministry notes that the decision to make this trip was taken by the Hungarian side without prior consultation or coordination with Ukraine. The principle of "no …

  • Hungarian PM Orban's unannounced Moscow visit raises EU concerns

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has arrived in Moscow. His plane landed at Vnukovo Airport. Russian news agency Interfax has released video footage of the Hungarian premier's motorcade heading towards the Kremlin.

    According to Interfax, Orban's visit aims to hold talks with Vladimir Putin as part of a "peace mission" to address the conflict in Ukraine.

    Neither Hungary nor Russia had previously announced the planned visit officially.

    The European Union, commenting on Orban’s unannounced …