Contents tagged with Kalibr

  • Russian forces launch missiles from Sea of Azov in nighttime attack on Ukraine

    During a nighttime attack, the Russian armed forces launched missiles at Ukraine from the Sea of Azov, reported Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk during a news broadcast.

    Russian military believe that the Sea of Azov is safer for them compared to the Black Sea. However, they forget that it is close to territory controlled by Ukraine, Pletenchuk pointed out.

    "They think they can use the Sea of Azov for stationing their ships and launching attacks, but they obviously overlook how close …

  • Ukraine: Russian fleet struggles to load Kalibr cruise missiles at Novorossiysk

    Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk revealed that Russia has encountered logistical problems after relocating its fleet to Novorossiysk. During a national news broadcast, he explained that the Russians are currently unable to load the Kalibr cruise missiles onto missile carriers.

    "There is a significant pause in missile usage because the enemy is facing logistical issues. They cannot load the Kalibr missiles in Novorossiysk," emphasized Pletenchuk. "Consequently, until they resolve …

  • Ukraine claims to have destroyed Russian Kalibr cruise missiles in overnight drone attack on Crimea

    On the evening of March 20, several explosions were heard in the city of Dzhankoy in the annexed Crimea. Later, power outage was reported in some areas of the city.

    The Russian authorities of the Crimea and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced the attack of several drones on the city. The drones were allegedly shot down, but their wreckage damaged a house and a store. One person was injured. The Crimean authorities claim that the drones targeted civilian objects. The …

  • Kyiv: Russia is experiencing shortage of Kalibr cruise missiles

    Two Russian warships carrying Kalibr cruise missiles have sailed into the Black Sea, but the reserves of these missiles have been depleted, said on the Ukrainian TV the speaker of the Joint Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces, Nataliya Gumenyuk.

    According to her, as of Sunday morning, Russian warships and submarines carrying the missiles are on combat duty. This naval group can potentially launch up to eight missiles.

    She pointed out that the Ukrainian Armed Forces observe "some enemy’ …

  • Kyiv: Russia is running out of cruise missiles

    Russia is likely experiencing shortage of cruise missiles, which cannot be quickly replenished. The reduced number of missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure shows that Russia does not have enough missiles, said the speaker of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, at a briefing.

    According to Ignat, Russian continues to carry air missile strikes on Ukrainian troops daily, but the situation with cruise missiles is completely different.

    "Not so many missiles were used in October. Literally, …

  • Ukrainian military command: Russia has used up almost all of its Kalibr and Iskander missiles since the beginning of invasion

    During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has used almost the entire arsenal of Iskander short-range ballistic missiles and Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles, reported the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    "The occupying forces have lost their offensive potential and have been stopped in all directions. The enemy has significant problems with logistics and continues to suffer heavy losses," the General Staff said.

    According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Forces, since …

  • Russian Defense Minister orders more ships with Kalibr and Zircon missiles

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu has ordered that more combat vessels be equipped with Kalibr and Zircon missiles, reports RIA Novosti.

    “The Navy needs to increase the number of distant sea zone vessels, including those which carry Kalibr cruise missiles and Zircon hypersonic missiles,” Shoygu said in a conference call on Monday.

    In addition, he said that the country needs to “expand the range of unmanned aerial vehicles and robotized systems and weapons based on new physical principles” …

  • Russia aims to reinforce Baltic Fleet with Kalibr-armed submarines

    Russia’s Chief Naval Command is discussing the possibility of building Kalibr cruise missile-armed project 636.3 submarines for the Baltic Fleet, TASS reports, citing two sources in the shipbuilding sector.

    Russia’s Pacific and Black Sea Fleets already possess submarines of this class.

    One of the sources told TASS that the Black Sea Fleet can accommodate fewer of the submarines than the other fleets. Russia’s Chief Naval Command declined to comment on the matter.

    Russian Kalibr sea-based …

  • Russian revolutionary ballistic missile fails to launch before Putin’s eyes

    Russia’s Grom (“Thunder”) 2019 exercise conducted in the Arctic between October 15 and 17 to rehearse the outbreak of nuclear war has exposed problems in Russia’s strategic nuclear forces.

    During the maneuvers, which involved more than 12,000 troops and which were led by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself during the final stage, there was an incident on the nuclear submarine K-44 “Ryazan”.

    As reported by Vedomosti , citing sources close to the Defense Ministry, the submarine, which …

  • Military expert: Russian Kalibr and Oniks missiles will not help in fight against NATO ships

    Russia’s Navy has its hopes set on anti-ship missiles, but these hopes are baseless, says military expert Maxim Klimov in an article titled “Submarines to the slaughter” on the Military-Industrial Courier (VPK) website.

    The specialist believes that, when it comes to implementing modern sonar concepts, the Russian fleet lags critically far behind western forces. As examples of this, he mentions the project 20380 corvette and the project 22350 frigate, which lack multi-position radar.

    “Taking …