Contents tagged with Prigozhin

  • Kremlin’s investigation: Murder of Russian journalists in Central African Republic was motivated by robbery

    Russian investigators have concluded that the killing of the three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2018 was done with the goal of robbing them, said Igor Krasnov, deputy head of the Investigative Committee, as cited by Interfax.

    “The established circumstances of the attack indicate that the murder was committed with the goal of robbery by residents of the CAR and adjacent countries who systematically commit severe crimes in this region,” said Krasnov.

    On July 28, 2 …

  • Three planes and a yacht of ‘Putin’s chef’ Prigozhin come under US sanctions

    Three planes and a yacht of Russian businessman Yevgeniy Prigozhin fell under the sanctions of the US Treasury because of the "attempt to influence the 2018 US midterm elections," reads the press release of the Department.

    "Treasury is targeting the private planes, yacht, and associated front companies of Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Russian financier behind the Internet Research Agency and its attempts to subvert American democratic processes," reads the document.

    "Prigozhin utilizes a series of …

  • Putin acknowledges presence of Russian mercenaries in Syria

    There are contractors from private military companies (PMCs) in Syria, but they do not represent the Russian government, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in an episode of the TV show “Direct Line”, when asked why combat veteran status is not given to Russians who work as mercenaries abroad.

    “They are really there,” Putin said, referring to the private military contractors. However, he continued, this is “not the state”, and these people are technically not combat veterans. They deal with “ …

  • Russia to send soldiers to Congo

    During talks held in Moscow, Vladimir Putin and President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso agreed that Russian military will be sent to Congo, according to the contract published on the Kremlin’s website. 

    RIA Novosti, citing Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Fomin, reported that the two sides are also negotiating arms transfers. “We expect that we will be requested to supply new equipment. There is a need for it,” the official explained.

    The parties signed …

  • 'Putin’s chef' Prigozhin liquidates school catering company after food poisoning scandal

    LLC SP Concord, owned by the Russian businessman Yevgeny “Putin’s Chef” Prigozhin, went into liquidation on 10 April, The Bell reports, citing data from the Russian registry of legal entities. The company is responsible for supplying food to a large number of schools in the Moscow region.

    Equal portions of SP Concord are owned by two of Prigozhin’s well known companies, Concord M and Concord Management and Consulting. Prigozhin himself owns 100% of both legal entities directly or through other …

  • Putin’s chef’s company sues Navalny for $23 million

    The company Moskovsky Shkolnik (“Moscow School Student”), owned by Yevgeny “Putin’s Chef” Prigozhin, is suing Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Anti-Corruption Foundation he founded, and Moscow regional parliament candidate Lyubov Sobol for 500 million rubles each (around $7.75 million) for moral damages.

    According to Sobol, this is Prigozhin’s estimate of the damage done to his business “of supplying schools and kindergartens in Moscow with rotten food”.

    On Facebook, Sobol posted …

  • Putin’s chef Prigozhin wins multi-billion ruble government contracts

    The companies connected to the Russian businessman Yevgeny “Putin’s chef” Prigozhin have acquired more than 10 billion rubles worth of new contracts in 2019, the Russian news agency The Bell reported, citing the state procurements website and the SPARK-Interfax company monitoring service.

    The Bell examined the contracts of 13 legal entities believed to be connected to Prigozhin. Aside from Concord M and the Concord catering company, companies to which Prigozhin acknowledges his connection, …

  • Prigozhin’s propagandists claim to have repelled US military and FBI cyberattacks

    The Russian Federal News Agency (FAN), which is believed to be connected to Yevgeny “Putin’s Chef” Prigozhin, has published its response to a reported US military cyberattack against the Internet Research Agency (IRA, a.k.a. the “Troll Factory”) on US Congress election day. The FAN claims the Americans were “unprofessional” and that their attempts were “unproductive”. 

    The Russian propagandists say that there is “neither official confirmation nor any other reasons” to believe that the IRA and …

  • Russian journalists in Central African Republic may have been killed by mercenaries from Donbas

    The people who killed the Russian documentary filmmakers Orkhan Dzhemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko in the Central African Republic (CAR) last year may have flown in especially to do this from the part of the Donbas not controlled by Ukraine, and returned there after committing the murder. This theory was proposed by Pyotr Verzilov, a member of the Russian activist band Pussy Riot, who is carrying out his own investigation into the filmmakers’ deaths. 

    “The people who carried …

  • Russian media: Aircraft belonging to ‘Putin’s chef’ flies frequently to Syria and Africa

    A private jet believed to belong to the Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as “Putin’s chef”, has been flying nearly every month to the Near East and Africa, where Russian mercenaries are known to be fighting, according to an investigation by the Russian news outlet Novaya Gazeta and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).

    The aircraft, a Raytheon HAWKER 800XP with the registration number M-VITO, officially belongs to a company in the Seychelles with an …