Contents tagged with Rogozin

  • Kremlin claims head of NASA plans to visit Russia

    RIA Novosti reported, citing the official representative of the Russian state corporation Roscosmos, Vladimir Ustimenko that the head of NASA, Jim Bridenstine is indeed planning to come to Russia for talks with the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin. 

    “The invitation… for Bridenstine to come to Russia for further negotiations was announced by... [the head of Roscosmos] Rogozin during the teleconference. The American side intends to accept it but the time of the visit has not yet been agreed on,” …

  • Media: three subsidiaries of Russian Space Agency are in a financial crisis

    RIA Novosti reports,citing materials presented at the meeting between the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin and Russian President Vladimir Putin, that the financial condition of three subsidiaries of the Russian State Space Corporation, Roscosmos is in a crisis. 

    According to  Roscosmos’  documents, measures are being taken to improve the financial state of the State Organization "Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center", Federal governmental enterprise "Scientific-and-testing center …

  • Head of Russian space agency: Russia is ready to build a super heavy-lift carrier rocket

    The Central Research Institute of Machine Building or TsNIIMash is ready to begin work on the next generation of super heavy-lift carrier rocket, Director General of the Russian space agency Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter. 

    “The design and production groups of the rocket and space industry are ready to implement the project to create the super heavy-lift carrier rocket,” he wrote. 

    Earlier, it was reported that the super heavy-lift rocket will be named Yenisei and it is expected to …

  • Kremlin reveals plans for earth-probing satellite system

    Roscosmos, the Russian state space corporation, is planning to launch a network of orbital satellites to remotely explore the surface of the earth.

    The project has been titled Gosudaryevo Oko (“State Eye”), Roscosmos director Dmitry Rogozin announced on Friday.

    “We have the projects ‘Digital Economy’, ‘Digital Earth’ and many others. But how can there be a digital economy if Roscosmos’s resources are not used?” he remarked while explaining his initiative.

    “After the successful launch in …

  • NASA head agrees to meet with Roscosmos director in Russia

    NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine has accepted the invitation from Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin to meet in Russia, the Russian state space corporation announced on its official website. 

    Bridenstine’s visit to Russia was discussed during a teleconference between the two space corporation administrators on January 14. Initially, Roscosmos did not report that the call had taken place, although this was reported by Kommersant. The Russian space corporation explained that it delayed the …

  • Head of NASA has no plans to visit Russia

    Jim Bridenstine, head of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), does not intend to go abroad any time soon, not even to Russia, his press secretary Megan Powers told TASS on Thursday. 

    “The director currently does not have plans to make any trips abroad,” she said when asked whether Bridenstine intended to travel to Russia to meet with Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin. “Future travel plans… are still under consideration,” Powers added. 

    She also commented on NASA’s plans to …

  • Kremlin: Russia awaits explanation from NASA regarding the decision to cancel Rogozin’s visit to the US

    Russian state corporation Roscosmos continues to prepare its “negotiating position” regarding cooperation with NASA. In a statement on their website, the company stated that they are awaiting an official explanation from the US National Aeronautics Administration and Space exploration company regarding the planned visit of Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin.

    Earlier, on December 5th, the USA Today newspaper, reported, citing a statement by NASA spokesman Megan Powers that the US canceled and …

  • NASA cancels visit by the Director General of Russian space agency

    NASA has indefinitely rescinded a planned visit by the Director General of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, who has been sanctioned for his role in Russia’s annexation of the Crimea, USA Today reports. Following mounting pressure, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine cancelled the visit by his Russian counterpart.

    "NASA has informed the Russian space agency, Roscosmos that the proposed visit of Roscosmos Director General, Dr. Dmitry Rogozin, currently planned for February 2019, will need to be …

  • Russia wants to fly to the moon to check if Americans were there

    The head of the government corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin during a visit to the Russian Space Systems together with the President of Moldova Igor Dodon stated that it is necessary to check whether Americans were on the moon, RIA Novosti reports

    “We set a goal to fly and check if they were there or were not. They say they were, we will check,” said Rogozin answering the corresponding question. At the same time, Rogozin believes that currently, no one on earth can handle the moon program …

  • Washington temporarily lifts sanctions from head of Russia’s space agency

    NASA director Jim Bridenstine stated that Washington will temporarily lift sanctions from the head of the Russian state owned corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin so that he can visit the US at the invitation of NASA.

    “I would like to discuss many questions with Dmitry Rogozin. If we want to establish a good working relationship, then we need to start to fully interact with each other, which in turn, will be good for both countries. We worked in a number of areas, so the Chief Director of …