Contents tagged with Sea of Azov

  • Kyiv creates new combat ship division in Sea of Azov

    The Ukrainian Navy has established a division of surface vessels in the Sea of Azov, announced Navy Commander Ihor Voronchenko, as cited by Interfax-Ukraine.

    The division will be based in the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol, and will include the small armored artillery boats “Lubny” and “Kremenchug”, the search and rescue ship “Donbas” and the sea tug “Korets”. In future, the division is expected to grow as new combat units are added.

    Before the division was created, the surface forces served …

  • EU urges Russia to 'unblock' Sea of Azov

    The EU has demanded that Russia ensure unhindered and free passage of ships to the Sea of Azov, reports  Ukrinform news agency..

    "We remain consistent and persistent in our appeals to Russia to ensure unhindered and free passage to the Sea of Azov under the international law," reads the statement of EU.

    The European Union also noted that Russia should have returned three Ukrainian ships a long time ago, in particular, "taking into account the ruling of the International Tribunal for the Law …

  • Small missile boats from Russia’s Caspian Flotilla enter Sea of Azov

    On Monday, October 21, two small missile boats from Russia’s Caspian Flotilla, “Uglich” and “Velikiy Ustyug”, passed through the Kerch Strait and entered the Sea of Azov, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on its website.

    The crews of the two vessels are known to have carried out assignments as part of the Russian Navy’s permanent Mediterranean Sea unit. Velikiy Ustyug completed its mission in June and Uglich in July. The boats are now returning to their permanent base.

    The Uglich …

  • Ukraine considers establishing mandatory maritime border with Russia

    Oleksandr Shchyptsov, director of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine (which falls under the Ministry of Transport), has proposed that Ukraine and Russia negotiate the establishment of a maritime border between them, the department’s site reports.

    “Taking into account the norms of international maritime law and the consultations we have had with leading international experts on matters of maritime delimitation, we suggest that we consider the option of starting a mandatory negotiation …

  • Ukrainian POWs made to undergo psychiatric examinations in Russia

    Second rank Captain Denys Hrytsenko, one of the Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia off the coast of Crimea, said that he and his fellow prisoners of war Mykhailo Vlasyuk, Andriy Drach and Vyacheslav Zynchenko were taken to the Serbsky Center in Moscow to undergo psychiatric examinations.

    Hrytsenko’s account reaches us through his Russian attorney, Nikolai Polozov.

    “During the examination, Denys Hrytsenko responded to the experts’ questions in accordance with Article 17 of the Third Geneva …

  • Russian Kalibr-equipped Stary Oskol submarine enters Black Sea

    The cruise missile-equipped “Stary Oskol” submarine from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has set out into the Black Sea in order to carry out a training exercise, the Russian media reports, citing the fleet’s headquarters.

    “The submarine crew will rehearse various exercises with maritime aircraft and anti-submarine ships from the Black Sea Fleet,” the report states.

    Previously the personnel practiced steering the submarine, and developed an algorithm for diving to various depths, from periscope …

  • Russian FSB ships escort Ukrainian tugboat through the Sea of Azov

    Three ships from the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) escorted the Ukrainian tugboat Korets that entered the Sea of Azov for exercises, reported the website of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    “After approaching our tugboat on the port side at about three nautical miles, the [Russian] ship went at full speed and rapidly increased distance, and then accompanied Korets [tugboat]. At the same time, the second ship [positioned itself] on the starboard side, and the third one went a great …

  • Russia confirms signing agreement with Ukraine on fishing in the Sea of Azov

    The Russian State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine reported that Russia signed the Russian-Ukrainian commission agreement on fisheries in the Sea of Azov and the coordination of catch limits.

    "The 30th Russian-Ukrainian commission session agreement on fisheries in the Sea of Azov was signed in February this year. The agreements were reached in the interests of both states," said the report.

    As noted in the press release, the commission determined the limits on catching of aquatic bioresources …

  • Ukraine initiates criminal cases against Russian military after the incident in the Kerch Strait

    Commanders of the Southern Military District and the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, as well as five employees of the FSB Border Service are suspected of "conducting an aggressive war" against Ukraine. 

    The Prosecutor General’s Office and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced that seven more Russian servicemen and the FSB border guard officers will be investigated in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. They are suspected of planning, preparing, initiating and …

  • Ukraine unveils new Neptune anti-ship cruise missile

    Ukrainian Foreign Trade Enterprise SpetsTechnoExport presented its Neptune anti-ship cruise missile during International Defense Exhibition and Conference 2019 and revealed the weapon’s characteristics. 

    The company claims that the export version of the missile is capable of hitting targets 280 kilometers away. It can sink surface vessels with a displacement of up to five thousand tons. Each missile weighs 670 kilograms, including a 145-kilogram high-explosive fragmentation warhead. 

    The …