White House Backs Treasury's Assessment That Putin Is 'Corrupt'

Adam J. Szubin, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, made statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s corruption—statements that accurately reflected Washington’s position. Reuters cited White House Official Spokesman Josh Earnest as stating that during an official White House briefing on Thursday, January 28th.

"The US Treasury official’s assessment reflects the opinion of the administration best of all," said Earnest. At the same time he found it difficult to answer the question of whether the United States would impose sanctions against Putin, pointing out that the Ministry of Finance has jurisdiction over the matter.

On Monday, January 25th, BBC One showed a half-hour film, "Putin's Secret Riches.” The film’s author, Richard Bilton, was accompanied by Szubin.

During an interview, a US official said that Washington sees Putin as a Russian leader who "enriches his friends and close associates while marginalizing those who are not considered friends and who do not have state assets... Whether it's Russia's energy wealth or government contracts, he gives them [assets] to those who will serve him, and excludes those who will not. For me, this is a picture of corruption,” summed up Szubin.

On January 26th, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that there was no proof behind the US Treasury Department’s accusations. He called the content of the material of the British broadcasting company "pure fabrication and slander."

  Russia, Putin, USA
