Contents tagged with Baltic Sea

  • Russia unilaterally redraws Baltic Sea borders with Finland and Lithuania

    Moscow Times, citing a draft government decree published on the legal acts portal, has reported Russia's decision to unilaterally alter its maritime boundaries with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

    The Russian Defence Ministry has prepared a document declaring parts of the eastern Gulf of Finland and areas near the cities of Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region as Russia's internal maritime waters.

    This will involve changing the geographical coordinates of points used …

  • Russia suspected of using fishing vessels for sabotage and reconnaissance in Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean

    According to journalists from the investigative center Dossier, Russia may be involved in damaging the Balticconnector gas pipeline in October 2023, located in the sea between Estonia and Finland, as well as damaging the fiber optic cable near the Svalbard archipelago in January 2022. In addition, Russian intelligence services are reportedly directly linked to a number of accidents that have occurred in the waters of the Arctic Ocean in recent years, claim the authors of the investigation.

    "In …

  • Sweden increases military presence on Gotland island due to Russia's activity in the Baltic Sea

    Sweden's Armed Forces have beefed up their units on the island of Gotland amid growing Russian military activity in the Baltic Sea. Earlier this week, Danish media reported that three ships of the Russian Navy entered the Baltic Sea through the Danish Great Belt Strait, DW reported.

    The Swedish public broadcaster SVT published footage showing the arrival of military personnel and equipment in the island. The troops and equipment were delivered by ferry to the administrative center of the …

  • Russian nuclear submarine breaks down in Baltic Sea

    There was an accident on the Russian nuclear submarine K-266 Orel, reports the Danish Navy press service on its Facebook Page.

    The submarine, which was built in the late 1980s, is equipped with two nuclear reactors and belongs to the same class as the Kursk submarine sunk in 2000.

    According to the Danish Navy, the submarine stalled in the Baltic Sea near Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city, and was unable to move due to possible problems with the propulsion system.

    The incident occurred on …

  • Russian nuclear bombers fly over Baltic Sea

    Two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons flew over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, prompting Finnish, Danish, Polish and Swedish aircraft to escort them.

    According to the Russian Defense Ministry, this was a regular flight and the Russian bombers strictly complied with international airspace rules.

    Russia regularly conducts similar training flights over the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as over the Black and Baltic Seas, and some NATO …

  • Russian Navy conducts firing drills in Baltic amid NATO exercise

    A group of ships from Russia’s Baltic Fleet has entered the Baltic Sea to conduct an exercise, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

    The group includes the corvettes Boikiy and Stoikiy, the small missile vessels Serpukhov, Zeleny Dol, Liven and Passat, and the anti-submarine ship Alexin. They entered the Baltic in order to practice firing torpedoes, missiles and artillery against imaginary enemy ships and airborne targets.

    During the drill, the ships will rehearse search and destroy …

  • Hungarian and British fighters intercept two Russian warplanes over the Baltics

    Hungarian Gripen fighters deployed at the Siauliai airfield in Lithuania on May 14, for the second time in the last 24 hours, were scrambled over the Baltic Sea to intercept Russian aicraft as reported by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense. According to the report, British Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft from the Estonia's Amari Air Base flew to their aid, reports Radio Liberty.

    According to the information of the Hungarian Ministry of Defense, these fighters flew to intercept Russian military …

  • President Duda wants to secure Poland's membership in the EU and NATO in the Constitution

    During the celebration of Poland’s Constitution Day, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that the state's membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance should be added to the Constitution, reports Ukrinform. According to the opposition, the ruling party is against such a move.

    “We have a constitution and we need to discuss any potential amendments. We should debate whether or not the EU membership should be included in the constitution and we must add a guarantee that we will …

  • Russian fighter jets scrambled twice during the day to escort American bombers over the Baltics

    Russia has scrambled Su-27 fighter jets twice during the day to escort American B-52H strategic bombers over the Baltic Sea, RIA Novosti reported citing Russian Defense Ministry.

    The Russian Defense Ministry stated that the U.S. Air force bombers flew over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. The Su-27 fighters prevented them from approaching the Russian border.

    The Ministry did not provide the exact time when the incidents occurred. However, the Russian military added that since March 14, …

  • China to invest in construction of tunnel under the Baltic Sea

    Helsingin Snomat newspaper reported that Chinese fund Touchstone Capital Partners decided to invest in a large-scale Finnish project, the construction of a railway tunnel under the Baltic Sea.

    According to the report, China is ready to allocate 15 billion euros in stages as necessary but not in a single payment. Touchstone will invest in construction through the Chinese logistics project “One Belt, One Road” that involves the development of transport infrastructure in Eurasia.

    The undersea …