Contents tagged with DPR

  • Germany and France: OSCE observers in Donbas are not allowed to move freely under the pretext of combating coronavirus

    According to Berlin and Paris, pro-Russian separatists in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics obstruct the work of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in eastern Ukraine, under the pretext of protection against the spread of coronavirus, reports Deutsche Welle.

    German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian said they were "very concerned" about the restrictions faced by OSCE SMM staff in Ukraine from March 21, 2020.

    "Observers should be able …

  • Ukrainian soldier killed by militant sniper in Donbas

    A serviceman of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been killed by a militant sniper in the Donetsk region, reported the press center of the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation on Facebook.

    "The armed formations of the Russian Federation once again violated the ceasefire and shelled the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbas. Unfortunately, today, March 30, Ukraine lost another defender. At one of the positions in the Donetsk region, a soldier of the Armed Forces was killed by enemy …

  • Ukrainian court closes case of ‘ex-minister of DPR’

    The court of the city of Mariupol absolved from responsibility and stopped any further consideration of the case of the "ex-minister of the coal industry of the Donetsk People’s Republic" Igor Ivakin, who was brought to Ukraine from the separatist-held territories by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) during the special operation, Ukraynska Pravda reports.

    The Oktyabrsky District Court of Mariupol made the decision on March 12. However, the ruling is classified. The ruling has been entered …

  • DPR closes border to Russian citizens

    The so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) closed the border to Russian citizens who do not have registration in the republic, announced the MP of the People's Council of the DPR, Anastasia Selivanova. She said that she was informed about it by the DPR Border Service.

    "You will not be allowed from the Russian Federation to DPR if you are a Russian citizen, and you do not have a permanent or temporary registration in the territory of DPR (a certificate of permanent address). When I asked, " …

  • Former DPR commander admits that pro-Russian militants were killing civilians in Donbas

    Alexander Khodakovsky, a former commander of the Vostok battalion and former Security Minister of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), described how DPR militants killed civilians. Journalist Denis Kazansky posted a fragment of Khodakovsky's interview on his video blog.

    According to Khodakovsky, once the militants stopped a car with three civilians at a checkpoint in the Donbas. Subsequently, they took away the car and shot people in the back of the head in the nearest forest. …

  • Russia closes border with DPR

    Russian authorities temporarily closed entry for residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), reported the news agency TASS with reference to the border control department of Russian Federal Security Service's Border Directorate for the Rostov region.

    "For this category of citizens, entry to the Russian Federation is temporarily restricted," the department said.

    The Russian Federal Security Service also confirmed that the entry of foreign nationals to Russia is restricted. …

  • First case of coronavirus reported in DPR

    The so-called "Ministry of Health of Donetsk People’s Republic" stated that on March 9 a woman with a suspected coronavirus infection was hospitalized in the territory which is not under Ukraine’s control territory. The hospitalized woman returned from China.

    Upon her arrival at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, the woman was checked for signs of illness, but according to the DPR representatives, nothing was found. According to the DPR Ministry of Health, the woman was diagnosed with a …

  • Pro-Russian militants attempt to break through Ukrainian defense lines in Donbas

    On the night of February 22, pro-Russian militants tried to break through the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbas but were forced to retreat suffering losses, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation.

    "Today, on the night of February 22, a failed attempt was made to break through the demarcation line by a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," the statement of the Ukrainian military command reads.

    According …

  • Ukrainian President: Kyiv prepares for dialogue with residents of Donbas

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr  Zelensky said that the Ukrainian authorities are ready for a dialogue with the residents  of the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, as well as with those who left the territories of the Donbas which are not under Kyiv’s control, reported the President 's press service with reference to his speech at the Munich Security Conference.

    According to Zelensky, Ukraine has initiated the creation of a dialogue platform "Peace of Donbass" in which both …

  • Kyiv to count population in Donbas and Crimea using satellite images

    Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers is investigating the possibility of conducting a census of the population in the Donbas and Crimea using satellite images, Dmytro Dubilet, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, told Ukrainian Radio.

    He said that he has already met with UN representatives who will assist with the satellite imagery project, which is very challenging.

    “A similar project was carried out in Afghanistan, where a significant portion of the territory is not controlled by the government. …