Contents tagged with Gas

  • Lukashenko: Belarus will not tolerate pressure from Russia

    At a meeting with State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Grigory Rapota on September 20, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko expressed his dissatisfaction with the decrease in Russian oil supplies because of the dispute between Minsk and Moscow on gas prices. The president of Belarus said that he instructed the government to optimize the country’s participation in the integration projects. “We are dragging our feet and already for several months cannot agree on the price …

  • Ukrainian border guard service reports dangerous encounter between their ship and Russia's Black Sea Fleet

    The press service of the State Border Guard of Ukraine reported on the incident that happened on Wednesday involving the Ukrainian Sea Guard ship Podilia,Ukrainian patrol aircraft and the military ships and aircraft of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. 

    According to the Ukrainian Border Guard press service, the incident happened in the northwestern part of the maritime economic zone of Ukraine. The representatives of NJSC  Naftohaz of Ukraine, OJSC Chornomornaftogaz, SE Naukanaftogaz, State Ecologic …

  • Media: Crimea awaits a full 'gas blockade'

    Forbes Ukraine reports that, according to a statement made by the representative of the Russian Union of Oil and Gas Producers, Rustam Tankan, to the Russian internet newspaper National News Service on July 22, gas will disappear in the Crimea, and a full “gas blockade” could follow.

    Tankan expressed his suspicion that the “gas secretly flows from the peninsula to mainland Ukraine.” Therefore, the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Crimea is searching for the hidden flow routes.

    The …

  • Ukraine's natural gas production increases by 2 percent

    Natural gas production in Ukraine during the period of January-July 2016, according to latest information, has increased by almost 2% (223.3 million cubic meters) compared to the same period of 2015 when this volume reached 11 .7 billion cubic meters.

    According to PJSC (Public Joint Stock Company) Ukrtransgaz, those figures include July-2016 gas production that amounted to 1.69 billion, which is 3.7% more than July of last year (1.63 billion cubic meters).

    In July this year gas production of …

  • State Border Guard Service: Russia installed drilling rigs in Ukraine

    Ukrainian State border guard officers recorded evidence of Russian gas drilling platforms in the Ukrainian maritime economic zone, the press service of the Agency reported.

    ”While monitoring the sea surface from the air, the employees of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine registered Russian self-elevating drilling offshore platforms, fixed platforms and supply vessels in the Odessa and Holitsynske gas fields,” the report says.

    The presence of supply vessels under the Russian flag on …

  • Ukraine to sue Russia over gas production in the Black Sea

    Gas production by the Russian Federation in the exclusive marine zone of Ukraine in the Black Sea will be the subject of lawsuits, according to the Ukrainian Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Vadym Chernysh, UNIAN informs.

    On the 20th of July, a meeting of government officials, chaired by the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Stepan Kubiv, was held, in which almost all Ministries that deal with "de-occupation of Crimea" presented their …

  • Russia begins drilling operations off the coast of Ukraine

    Russia has installed the jack-up rig “Sivash” in the Ukrainian waters of the Black Sea.

    Border guard officers have reported a violation of norms of the international law of the sea by Russia. Namely, they recorded drilling operations on the sea shelf of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service official website informs. As stated in the report, relevant ministries and agencies have already been informed of this incident.

    “Between July 16–17, the ship of the State Border Guard Service, in …

  • Ukraine increases natural gas imports from Slovakia

    Ukraine has increased the daily import order for natural gas from Slovakia by 330%, from 2.048 to 8.796 million cubic meters, the Slovak Gas Transmission System Operator reported. On July 1-14, the import of gas via the Slovak gas corridor to Ukraine totaled half a million cubic meters.

    As previously reported, the Chief Executive of Ukraine’s state-owned Naftogaz, Andriy Kobolev, said on the 30th of June that the state was planning to start importing gas so it could pump it into underground …

  • Ukraine and Poland to begin construction of new gas pipeline in 2017

    Ukrainian and Polish gas transportation experts are working on the design for the construction of a new pipeline, as posted by the Press Secretary of Ukrtransgaz, Maxim Bilyavskiy, on his Facebook page.

    "There will be a new pipeline between Ukraine and Poland; its commercial operation is planned for 2020", he said, adding that the construction of the pipeline will begin in 2017.

    According to Bilyavskiy, in the process of constructing this pipeline, the advanced technology of horizontal …

  • Belarus is unlikely to receive gas discount from Russia

    The price of Russian gas supplied to Belarus to likely to remain at the current level of $142 per thousand cubic meters, Radio Svoboda reported.

    This was announced by Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak.

    According to him, the current contract for 2015-2016 “has not been cancelled”. Russia believes that Belarus owes $125 million to Gazprom. Minsk does not recognize the debt, saying that, according to their own calculations based on the fall of the ruble against the dollar, their price …