Contents tagged with Gas

  • Border Service of Ukraine: Russian warship blocked the way to drill rigs in the Black Sea

    The State Border Service of Ukraine said that a Russian warship, Pytlivy, is blocking the path to oil rigs in the Black Sea. This was said by the Chief of Staff of the 1st Sea Guard detachment Captain Ihor Zapyantsev at a press conference in Odessa, UNIAN reported.

    According to Zapyantsev, on December 1st, when the border guards conducted a special naval operation in the exclusive (maritime) economic zone in the Odessa gas field located in the Northwestern part of the Black Sea, the Russian …

  • Ukraine has not used Russian gas in a year

    As of Friday, November 25th, it has been one year since Ukraine last imported gas from Russia, as reported by the press service of Naftogaz Ukraine.

    "It’s a landmark date for an independent Ukraine, as three years ago gas was the main symbol of political and economic dependence of our country on our northern neighbor. This dependence was ensured through high volumes of gas deliveries and prices for Russian gas that forced Ukraine to make political and economic concessions," the company stated. …

  • Ukraine may sue the EU over OPAL pipeline decision

    Ukraine agreed with the European Union to hold additional consultations to consider granting permission to Gazprom to increase gas volume through the OPAL pipeline bypassing Ukraine. If negotiations at a political level do not yield results, Naftogaz may file a claim against the European Commission, as the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, stated during a recent briefing.

    "We raised the issue related to the Nord Stream pipeline, particularly to the recent …

  • Ukraine has begun extracting shale gas

    The chief executive officer of Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz, Andriy Kobolyev, stated in his interview with Bloomberg that the Ukrgasdobycha, a subsidiary of Ukraine’s Naftogaz, began extracting shale gas using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in October 2016.

    According to him, the drilling of the first well was performed in cooperation with European partners. Kobolyev didn’t specify the names of these companies or the location where the well will be drilled.

    The chief executive …

  • Chornomornaftogaz accuses Russia of stealing billions of cubic meters of Ukrainian gas every year

    Ukrainian company Chornomornaftogaz has claimed that Russia extracts two billion cubic meters of gas from the Black Sea shelf every year. This was reported by BBC-Ukraine.

    “Russian company State Unitary Enterprise Chernomorneftegaz, which was included in all of the sanctions lists, is extracting gas in the Crimea,” the chairman of Chornomornaftogaz, Svetlana Nezhnov, stated.

    According to her, Russia appropriated Ukrainian assets in the Crimea after its 2014 annexation. The extracted gas is …

  • Poland could increase gas supplies to Ukraine three fold

    Poland can increase gas supplies to Ukraine three fold. This can happenen if the planned expansion of the gas pipelines with Ukraine takes place by the end of 2019. This will allow to increase transportation volumes of natural gas from the current 1.5 billion cubic meters to 5-6 billion cubic meters. Ukrinform reports, citing Piotr Naimsky, the Government Commissioner on Strategic Energy Infrastructure Issues of Poland.

    “There is a project on Polish-Ukrainian communications development. …

  • Poland will construct a hub for gas transit to Ukraine

    Poland will build a hub for the transportation of gas to Ukraine and other farther countries in Southern Europe. This was stated by the Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure, Piotr Naimski, according to Radio Poland.

    The Minister pointed out that the creation of the hub is connected with Polish company Gaz-System S.A.’s construction of several gas-transport connections with Ukraine, Lithuania and other countries. Thanks to them, Poland "will have access to …

  • Russia and Turkey sign agreement on Turkish Stream pipeline

    Two months after the restoration of relations between Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed an agreement on the construction of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline. The agreement was signed by the Energy Ministers of both countries in the presence of the two presidents in Istanbul on Monday, October 10, 2016.

    According to the head of the Russian Energy Company, Gazprom, Alexey Miller, the plan is to build two gas pipelines under the Black Sea. The completion of the …

  • Ukraine to file complaint to The Hague against Russia for use of Crimean shelf

    Ukraine will file a complaint against Russia to the international Court of Justice for mining gas in the annexed Crimean shelf, said Minister of Justice Pavlo Petrenko during a speech in Parliament.

    According to the Minister, pretrial work is now ongoing in order to identify violations by the Russian Federation of international conventions for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

    “Russia cannot …

  • Ukraine to receive $500 million loan from World Bank

    The World Bank will provide $500 million worth of credit guarantees to Ukraine for natural gas purchases for heating in the near future, reported Satu Kahkonen, the World Bank Country Director for Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.

    “Yes, we’ve got some projects that are being prepared for Ukraine. One of them is a $500 million project – a guarantee for the government of Ukraine for gas purchasing,” she said.

    Satu Kahkonen noted that the guarantee could come “in the nearest future,” taking into …