Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuania approves military support plan for Ukraine

    Lithuania plans to increase military support for Ukraine. The support plan for Ukraine approved by the Lithuanian National Defense Council includes a number of practical measures, including an increase in the number of instructors in the training mission and supply of lethal weapons, said Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas, LRT reports.

    "This material assistance consists of lethal, non-lethal weapons and humanitarian aid – for example, the continuation of the treatment and …

  • Lithuania calls on NATO to strengthen its military potential near Russia's borders

    Lithuania called on NATO to deploy troops to Russia's borders, amid continued deployment of Russian troops near Ukrainian borders. "NATO must respond not only by deploying its troops to the eastern front, but also by strengthening its military potential. Strengthening the military potential is good, but we should have an algorithm, what to do in the case of scenario A, scenario B, scenario C," said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda at a joint press conference with the presidents of Ukraine …

  • Lithuania ready to send weapons to Ukraine

    Lithuania is ready to send lethal weapons to Ukraine to support the country in the face of a large buildup of Russian troops near its borders, said Lithuanian Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas at a joint press conference with German Minister of Defense Kristin Lambrecht.

    "It is necessary to support Ukraine in every possible way, and Lithuania is ready for this, in particular, to send lethal weapons to Ukraine," the Lithuanian minister said.

    He did not specify which weapons …

  • Lithuania and Poland vow to support Ukraine’s accession to EU and NATO

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, President pf Poland Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda signed a declaration in support of Ukraine's membership in the EU and NATO.

    "The common declaration enshrines clear support for Ukraine's membership in the EU and NATO and the fight against Russian aggression," said Zelensky after the summit of the Lublin Triangle in Stara Huta, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

    He added that the leaders of the Lublin Triangle coordinated steps to support …

  • Ukraine buys anti-drone jamming guns from Lithuania

    Ukraine has purchased weapons from Lithuania that will help the Ukrainian military to counter Russian drones in the Donbas, said Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov on the air of the TV program "The Right to Power".

    According to him, the weapons were purchased through the NSPA system (NATO Support and Procurement Organisation). Ukraine will receive 10 anti-drone mitigation systems this month.

    "We paid money, passed all the checks in order to purchase certain things we need through the …

  • Lithuanian President: Illegal migrants arriving in Belarus via Moscow

    Illegal migrants come to Minsk through Moscow, said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda at a press conference.

    "Recent events suggest that Russia is somehow connected to this crisis. A lot of things speak about it. Firstly, migrants travel through Moscow," Nauseda said.

    The presidents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia issued a joint statement on the migrant crisis at the border of Belarus and the EU. In this statement, the heads of the three countries condemned the actions of Alexander …

  • Poland and Lithuania deploy troops to Belarus’ border as large migrant group tries to break into EU

    A very large group of migrants gathered in Belarus near the border with Poland. They have been trying to break through barbed wire and enter the territory of the European Union, reported the Polish Defense Ministry.

    The Polish Defense Ministry published a video taken from the air, which shows that several hundred people near the border strip from on the Belarusian side. Large groups of migrants are also observed near Grodno, near the border crossings Bruzgi (Belarus) and Kuznica (Poland). …

  • Ukraine sends 38 tons of barbed wire to Lithuania for construction of fence on border with Belarus

    Ukraine has sent 38 tons of barbed wire to Lithuania. This is the first batch of aid that Ukraine promised last week, reported the Ukrainian State Emergency Service.

    "More than 38 tons of humanitarian cargo departed today, August 12, from Ukraine to Lithuania. This is the first stage of assistance of the three that Ukraine sends in accordance with the Decree of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the order of the Cabinet of Ministers. The assistance will contribute to strengthening the protection …

  • Lithuania promises to pay 300 euros to illegal migrants agreeing to leave

    The Lithuanian authorities promise to pay 300 euros to illegal migrants who agree to voluntarily leave the country, said the Head Migration Department under the Lithuanian Interior Ministry on LRT radio.

    The payment, she said, will be made when the migrant boards a plane departing from Lithuania. Illegal migrants will receive 300 euros once and only if they fly to their origin country.

    In July, Lithuania declared a state of emergency due to the influx of migrants from the Middle East who …

  • Lithuania sends 180 illegal migrants back to Belarus

    Since midnight, about 180 illegal migrants who intended to cross the Lithuanian state border from Belarus have not been allowed into Lithuania, reports Delfi.

    According to the head of the State Border Protection Service of Lithuania, Rustamas Liubajevas, the border guards received the authority to send back illegal migrants trying to cross into Lithuania following the order by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Agne Bilotaite.

    According to Liubajevas, migrants were being turned back along the …