Contents tagged with Macron

  • Merkel: Allies will support and protect Ukraine’s sovereignty

    Foreign allies will continue to make efforts to speed up the process of restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity no matter how long it takes, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel during her speech in Aachen, Germany, Ukrinform reports."We know that it often takes a long time to solve international conflicts but we will continue our efforts to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” she assured at the annual ceremony to present the Charlemagne Prize to …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko meets with Merkel and Macron in Germany

    On Thursday May 10, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron met in the German city of Aachen. The key topics of the trilateral negotiations were sanctions against Russia, the implementation of the Minsk agreements, and the matter of peacekeepers in the Donbas.

    At the meeting, the heads of state discussed the possibility of placing new sanctions on Russia for holding illegal elections in annexed Crimea.

    “Obviously we spoke …

  • Macron explains what he expects from Putin and Russian politics

    French President Emmanuel Macron stated that it was France’s goal to allow Russia to strengthen its position in Europe and not to fall into isolation. He said he would like to maintain “historic dialogue" with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    "Putin dreams of Russia reemerging as a great power under the influence of humiliation because of the events around the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR... I can understand that. But for me, Russia is Europe, even if Russia has almost …

  • Macron and Putin discuss Iran nuclear program

    French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed Iran’s nuclear program during a recently-held telephone conversation, as reported by the French President’s Press Office reported on this development.

    “The Presidents expressed their common desire to preserve the achievement of the 2015 agreement on Iran's nuclear energy,” said the statement.

    Macron also stressed that discussions regarding control of Iranian nuclear activity after 2025, Iran’s missile program, and …

  • Macron advises not to show weakness with Putin

    French President Emmanuel Macron stated in an interview with Fox News Sunday that he sees Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “strong man” and advised not to be naïve when working with him.

    “I think he’s a very strong man, he’s a strong president,” Macron commented. “He wants a great Russia. People are proud with of policy. He is extremely tough with minorities and his opponents,” Macron said, adding that he does not share Putin’s views on democracy. “He’s strong and smart—but don’t be naïve. …

  • Macron: US and allies must stay in Syria after defeating ISIS

    France, the US and their allies must remain in the Syrian Arab Republic after ISIS has been defeated “in order to build a new Syria” and limit Iran’s influence, said French President Emmanuel Macron.

    “Even after the end of the war against ISIS, the US, France and our allies, all of the countries of the region, even Russia and Turkey, will play an important role in the creation of a new Syria. But of course, it is the Syrian nation that will determine the future,” Macron said in an interview …

  • Macron: France convinced Trump to limit targets in Syria strike

    During an interview with BFM TV, French President Emmanuel Macron said that it was France that convinced US President Donald Trump to limit the strike it inflicted against facilities in Syria.

    "We convinced Trump to limit the targets of the strikes only to sites with chemical weapons capacity," he said.

    According to Macron, the US media and Trump’s Twitter initially used more aggressive rhetoric.  

    He also noted that Paris earlier persuaded Washington to stay in Syria.

    "Ten days ago, …

  • Macron congratulates French military for 'perfectly conducted' strike on Syria

    President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the television channel BFMTV on April 15 that the French military "perfectly conducted" its recent operation in Syria.

    "Three chemical weapon production points were our [intended targets]; we successfully completed our objectives on the military side," said Macron.

    "First of all, I want to thank our soldiers and our army. The operation was conducted perfectly," the French president stressed.

    When asked whether he still plans to attend a …

  • French President Macron to visit Russia

    French President Emmanuel Macron will visit Russia in late May, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in an interview with French television channel BFMTV, Deutsche Welle reports.

    A joint military operation of the United States, Great Britain and France conducted in Syria on Saturday night would not interfere with the planned trip, the minister said. Earlier, Macron received an invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, …

  • Poroshenko, Merkel, Macron to meet in Germany in May

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron plan to meet in May in the German city of Aachen, Mrs. Merkel announced at a briefing on April 10.

    “The Ukrainian President will be in Aachen and we might have a meeting,” she said to journalists regarding the possibility of a meeting in the Normandy Four format in Aachen. “We’ve already discussed this. Mr. Macron will be there too, and myself. But this of course will not be a meeting of …