Contents tagged with Macron

  • Macron and Trump exchange information 'confirming' chemical attack in Syria

    US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron exchanged information that “confirmed the use of chemical weapons” in Syria during a phone call. This was announced in a statement published on the official website of the Élysée Palace.

    “They also agreed to coordinate their actions and initiatives in the UN Security Council on Monday, April 9, in New York, for discussion of the non-compliance with resolution 2401 and repeated use of chemical weapons. All of the guilty parties will …

  • Macron calls on Putin to put pressure on Damascus

    During a telephone conversation between French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Macron urged Putin to use “all his influence” on Syrian authorities to end armed conflict, according to a report from the Elysee Palace on April 6.

    Macron noted that only a ceasefire will be able to protect the civilian population, resume the negotiation process and prevent the strengthening of the “Islamic State.” The AFP news agency reports that Macron previously appealed to Putin …

  • Ukrainian President speaks about Merkel and Macron’s pressure on Putin

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that the leaders of the Normandy Four countries – himself, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron – pressurized Russian President Vladimir Putin to agree to establish a truce in the Donbas for Easter. Poroshenko mentioned this during a meeting with inhabitants of Volnovakha, 112 Ukraine reports.

    He called the truce as necessary as “air” and said that it is a condition for introducing peacekeepers in the Donbas. The …

  • French President Macron to visit Russia

    French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed that the visit of President Emmanuel Macron to Russia in May will take place as planned.

    "At the moment the visit is expected," Le Drian said during an interview with the RTL radio station, commenting on whether Macron's visit to Moscow will still take place after the poisoning of Skripal.

    Sergei Skripal was the former colonel of the GRU (Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate) who worked for the British secret services. He and his daughter …

  • French President Macron speaks to Putin about supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine

    According to the Élysée Palace’s website, French President Emmanuel Macron had a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the conversation, Macron reminded Putin of the latter’s commitment to a constructive dialogue between Russia, France and Europe.

    "The President recalled that France remains firmly committed to the full restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and the effective implementation …

  • French President Macron will not attend Russian stand at book fair in Paris

    According to the statement released by the Élysée Palace, French President Emmanuel Macron will not attend the Russian exhibition stand at the book fair in Paris due to the Russian Federation’s possible involvement in the recent poisoning of an ex-spy, Le Figaro reports.

    According to the report, Macron will not patronize the Russian stand even though Russia is an honorary guest of the event. "The President will not attend the official pavilion of Russia at the book fair… due to the assault in …

  • Macron: Putin must convince Syrian government to respect ceasefire

    During a telephone conversation with Putin ,French President Emmanuel Macron called on his Russian counterpart to encourage Syria to adopt a UN resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire “without any ambiguity”, reported Radio Liberty, citing a source in Macron’s office.

    The Elysee Palace reported that during the conversation, Macron “stressed that humanitarian workers should be able to reach all people who need help, without hindrance and without delay.”

    On March 5, the UN Office for …

  • Trump discusses Putin's statements with Merkel and Macron

    United States President Donald Trump has discussed statements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding nuclear weapons with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

    The American leader spoke with his European counterparts separately on Thursday, March 1, the White House Press Office reported.

    A statement by the US presidential administration notes that "the leaders…shared their serious concerns over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent statements on …

  • Merkel and Macron call on Russia to exert pressure on Assad

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron called on Russian President Vladimir Putin “to exert maximum pressure on the Syrian regime” in order to implement an immediate ceasefire in eastern Ghouta. The press service of the German government reported on the telephone conversation between the three leaders on Sunday, February 25th.

    According to the report, the three leaders agreed to the UN Security Council resolution, which calls on all parties to the conflict to …

  • Macron and Merkel sent appeal to Putin over situation in eastern Ghouta

    French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a joint letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin requesting the approval of a UN Security Council resolution on a truce in Syria, reported Le Figaro, citing the Élysée Palace.

    In the letter, the leaders of France and Germany asked Putin to support the draft resolution, which calls for a cessation of hostilities for a period of 30 days in order to deliver humanitarian aid to Eastern Ghouta, as well as to evacuate the …