Contents tagged with Netherlands

  • Ukrainian Security Service arrests DPR militant who transported Buk missile system used to shoot down MH17

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has identified a militant from the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) who helped transport the Buk anti-aircraft missile launcher that was used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft over the Donbas.

    This was announced by Vitaliy Mayakov, deputy head of the SBU’s Chief Investigative Directorate, during press conference, as cited by Ukrainski Novyny news agency.

    Mayakov also presented a cellphone video showing the Buk missile system being …

  • Council of Europe: Russia must take responsibility for MH17 catastrophe

    The Council of Europe has adopted a declaration which asks Russia to admit responsibility for the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, RBC reports.

    “The EU calls on Russia to take responsibility and to fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation,” the declaration reads.

    On 19 July, the international Joint Investigation Team (JIT) pressed charges against four suspects for complicity in the incident: the Russian citizens Major-General Sergey “Gloomy” …

  • Ukraine captures DPR anti-air commander in Snizhne near MH17 crash site

    Ukrainian intelligence forces have captured Vladimir Tsemakh, a former air defense commander in the separatist-controlled city of Snizhne, which is close to where the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down in 2014.

    According to BBC’s Russian service, Tsemakh was arrested in his apartment in Snizhne on 27 July. According to his relatives and attorney, Ukrainian intelligence officers took him to Kyiv-controlled territory, where he was placed under arrest for two months.

    “On 28 June, the …

  • Putin to Dutch Prime Minister: Russia rejects results of MH17 investigation

    At a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte during the G20 summit in Osaka, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia does not recognize the results of the investigation into the crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in the sky over the Donetsk region in July 2014, as stated by the Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov

    "I can confirm this dialogue: it was a very brief conversation, not an official meeting," said Peskov as quoted by UNIAN news agency.

    "Putin …

  • MH17 disaster foundation opposes Russia’s reinstatement in PACE

    The Dutch MH17 Disaster Foundation, Stichting Vliegramp, founded to assist the families of those killed in the Malaysia Airlines flight that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in 2014, has demanded the deferment of Russia’s reinstatement in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Telegraaf reports, citing a letter from the organization to the PACE.

    The foundation is concerned that Russia did not collaborate with the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) that investigated the …

  • Putin prepared to talk to Trump

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he is willing to talk to US President Donald Trump, if that is what his American colleague wants. However, Putin observed that Trump’s re-election campaign could complicate Russia-US relations.

    Trump said previously that he is expecting to meet with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan, although Moscow claims it has not yet received any official requests for a meeting.

    Relations between the two countries are tense due to a …

  • Kyiv promises to arrest Ukrainian MH17 catastrophe suspect

    Ukraine intends to arrest Leonid Kharchenko, the Ukrainian citizen who is suspected of complicity in the downing of flight MH17, said Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, as cited by Interfax.

    According to Lutsenko, Ukraine will do everything in its power to arrest this person. If it manages to do so, the Ukrainian government will organize a court session in the Netherlands, and will uphold the court’s decision on the case in accordance with the international agreement between Ukraine …

  • Dutch TV channel names possible suspects in MH17 airline crash

    Dutch TV channel NPO 2 named the alleged suspects in the case of the Boeing 777 that was shot in the sky over the Donbas in 2014. An official investigation has not named any suspects yet. However, earlier all these names were mentioned in the reports of the investigative journalists of a Bellingcat group and the investigation of the newspaper Novaya Gazeta.

    The story about the alleged suspects was released on the eve of the publication of the report of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT). At …

  • The Netherlands demands that Malaysia clarify its position regarding Russia’s responsibility of MH17 air disaster

    The Dutch government demanded that Malaysia clarify the latest statements made by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad questioning Russia's responsibility the MH17 air disaster, as reported by the Dutch news outlet NOS.

    The Dutch government made an appeal to Malaysia, demanding that it clarify the latest statements issued by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. This week in the Malaysian media, he questioned Russia's responsibility for the MH17 catastrophe, NOS reports.

    Previously, Malaysian Prime …

  • Russia agrees to pay Green Peace 2.7 million euros to settle Arctic Sunrise case

    The Netherlands and Russia reached an agreement on the dispute over the detention of the Arctic Sunrise ship and its crew in 2013. On Friday, May 17, the Netherlands Foreign Office in The Hague reported that as part of the final settlement of the conflict the Russian Federation will pay 2.7 million euros compensation to the international organization Greenpeace, the owner of the ship.

    In addition, as one of the dispute settlement points, the Netherlands and Russia agreed to conduct joint …