Contents tagged with OSCE

  • DPR court sentences OSCE assistant to 14 years for espionage

    A court in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has sentenced Vadim Golda, an assistant for the security of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE in Ukraine, to 14 years in a high-security penal colony. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has confirmed his conviction for espionage (Article 276 of the Russian Criminal Code).

    According to the Prosecutor General's statement, in 2021, Golda, while in the DPR, conducted reconnaissance activities on behalf of a foreign …

  • OSCE: Russia has broken international humanitarian law in Ukraine

    A report released by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) found that Russia has broken international humanitarian law in Ukraine. The Vienna-based security body noted that Russian forces have indiscriminately targeted civilian targets, including hospitals, schools, residential buildings, and water facilities.

    The report highlighted the attacks on the Mariupol Maternity House and Children’s Hospital as well as the Mariupol Drama Theater, which had been turned into a …

  • Pro-Russian militants holding OSCE members in Donbas hotel demanding release of Russian officer detained by Ukraine

    Pro-Russian militants are holding two employees of the OSCE Monitoring Mission in Horlivka and demand the release of a militant detained by the Ukrainian military on October 13, reported the representative in the Trilateral Contact Group from Ukraine Sergiy Garmash on Facebook.

    According to the report of the OSCE, on October 17 at 17:00, two men 30-39 years old in civilian clothes entered the hotel and told the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission representatives that they are no longer allowed to …

  • Russia refuses to support Ukraine’s proposal on ceasefire in Donbas

    The Russian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas (TCG) did not support the proposal of the Ukrainian delegation to ensure compliance with the full and comprehensive ceasefire in the Donbas from April 1, reported the press service of the Ukrainian delegation to TCG.

    The last TCG meeting began with a proposal by the head of the Ukrainian delegation Leonid Kravchuk to ensure compliance with the full and comprehensive ceasefire from 12.00pm on April 1.

    OSCE Special Representative …

  • EU expresses concern about latest Russian weapons found in Donbas

    The European Union expressed concern about the discovery by the OSCE Mission in the Donbas of the modern Russian radar station 51U6 Kasta-2E1, which is used by the Russian Armed Forces, reports Ukrinform.

    "The EU is concerned that on February 15, for the first time, SMM (Special Monitoring Mission) recorded the radar station 51U6 Kasta-2E1 near the village of Bugaevka, which is not under Ukrainian government control. This highly modern weapon is used by the Russian Federation and it raises a …

  • OSCE reports 225 ceasefire violations in Donbas

    Since the beginning of the truce on July 27, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission has documented 225 ceasefire violations in the Donbas.

    According to the OSCE report, there were 44 explosions, 180 cases of small arms fire and one unidentified projectile.

    Also, according to the mission, on July 27, a resident of the town of Marinka was injured by shrapnel.

    On July 22, the Trilateral Contact Group agreed on a full and comprehensive ceasefire in the Donbas from 00:01 on July 27. According to …

  • Kyiv: LPR and DPR representatives are invited to Donbas talks by OSCE

    Representatives of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics are invited to the meetings of the Trilateral Contact Group by the OSCE, said Ukrainian Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Oleksii Reznikov, as quoted by Novyny Donbasu.

    "The OSCE invites them. They think they have the right to represent the territories, and I don't think so, we don't think so," he said.

    According to Reznikov, Ukraine “should not coordinate with the aggressor country [ …

  • Ukraine argues that LPR and DPR representatives at Donbas talks have Russian passports

    On Thursday, May 21, during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, the Ukrainian delegation showed copies of the Russian passports of the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, and representatives of the Donbas uncontrolled territories which were invited by Russia to participate in the Trilateral Contact Group on the resolution of conflict in the Donbas, stated the Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the international organizations in Vienna, Yevhen Tsymbalyuk.

    " …

  • OSCE: troops withdrawal in new areas in Donbas is discussed

    OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák said that as part of the work of the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine negotiations are taking place on potential withdrawal of forces and equipment in new territories along the demarcation line in the Donbas, reports Novosti Donbasa news outlet.

    "Negotiations on withdrawal are ongoing  within the Trilateral Contact Group. We fully support this. I don't want to say what the result will be. But there is a positive trend," …

  • Head of OSCE: Free elections impossible in Donbas until control returned to Ukraine

    Free and fair local elections cannot be held in the Donbas until Ukraine regains full control over the territories, said OSCE Chairperson Miroslav Lajcak in an interview with BBC.

    “I think that free elections could only take place in a free situation, and, of course, in accordance with Ukrainian laws and with observation by international observers – the OSCE, other international organizations, that is, within the Ukrainian jurisdiction system. Only afterwards, when we attain such a situation, …