Contents tagged with Pentagon

  • Pentagon doubts that Turkey would purchase S-400 missile systems from Russia

    The reports on Turkey's purchase of Russian S-400 air defense missile systems (ADMS) are false, according to General Joseph Dunford, the US Army Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a security conference in the city of Aspen. The video of the speech was posted on YouTube.

    According to Dunford, the US pays great attention to relations with Turkey. “I've been to Turkey about 12 times over the past year,” he said. The General stressed that relations with Turkey are “critical” for the US, …

  • Pentagon: US does not want conflicts in Syria, but will protect itself and partners under threat

    The United States does not seek to create conflicts in Syria, but intends to defend itself or its partners in the event of a threat ,as stated by an official spokesman of the US Department of Defense, Naval Captain Jeff Davis, commenting on a statement by the Russian Ministry of Defense that the coalition’s aircraft and drones west of the Euphrates in Syria will be targeted by the Russia’s anti-aircraft systems.

    "We are aware of these Russian statements. We do not seek conflict with any party …

  • Pentagon confirms start of weapons deliveries to Syrian Kurds

    The United States has begun supplying arms and equipment to Kurdish fighters participating in the operation to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa from ISIS terrorists, as reported by Russia’s TASS news agency citing the Pentagon's press office.

    “I can confirm that the U.S. led coalition began supplying weapons and equipment to the Kurdish forces of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF),” Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon said. According to him, the weapons include “small arms, ammunition, heavy …

  • Head of the Pentagon believes that Russia knows that NATO is not a threat

    US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, in an interview with CBS said that NATO is not a threat to Russia, and stated that it remains a mystery why the Russians think differently.

    "It's clear that NATO is not a threat," said Mattis, noting that Russia chooses strategic competition with the West. "But the point is that NATO is not a threat, and they know it. They do not doubt this," the head of the Pentagon added.

    According to him, the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, intends …

  • Pentagon confirms its intention to deploy anti-ballistic missile system in Poland

    The US has not renounced its intention to deploy an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense system in the Polish Redzikowo locality, announced Gary Pennett, director of operations for the US Defense Ministry’s Missile Defense Agency, as reported by TASS on Wednesday, May 24.

    The American military is planning to deploy an Aegis Ashore Ballistic Missile Defense System (Aegis BMD) in Poland. As Pennett told reporters in the briefing dedicated to the US Missile Defense Agency’s draft budget, the …

  • The Pentagon announced its readiness to help reform the Georgian army

    The Pentagon is ready to assist Georgia in implementing military reform. This is stated in Pentagon Chief James Mattis’s letter to Defense Minister of Georgia Levan Izoria, the text of which was published by the press service of the Georgian Defense Ministry.

    "I had the honor to meet with you at the February meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission. I deeply appreciate your steadfast commitment to shared democratic values and bow to the sacrifices made by Georgia with us in Afghanistan," Mattis …

  • Pentagon: the US will continue its flights in Syria including over ‘security zones’ established by Russia

    The Coalition forces headed by the US will strike at the Islamic State anywhere in Syria, including in the security zones established by Russia, Turkey and Iran, Interfax news agency reports citing a Pentagon representative.

    Earlier, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a memorandum on the establishment of security zones in Syria. According to the memorandum, check points and observation centers will be established along the borders of these security zones.

    While answering the question whether the …

  • Russian military command: The Pentagon is developing weapons for preemptive global strikes

    The United States is developing weapons which can be used for instantaneous preemptive global strikes, said Lt. General Viktor Poznihir, the First Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the Russian General Staff, as quoted by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    "In implementing the concept of the joint use of offensive and defensive weapons, the Pentagon began to create forward-looking complexes for instantaneous global strikes," said Poznihir at the conference in Moscow on Wednesday. …

  • Pentagon and CIA refused to comment on the reports about the presence of Russian Special Forces near the Libyan border

    The U.S. Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency have refused to comment on reports regarding the presence of Russian Special Forces in Egypt, not far from the Libyan border. “You can report that the Central Intelligence Agency refuses to comment on this issue,” the CIA’s representative told Interfax on the 14th of March.

    The Pentagon also didn’t comment on this issue and advised reporters to request an explanation from Russian authorities. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of …

  • The Pentagon: Russian Air Defense in Syria complicates US military operations

    New air defense systems deployed by Russia in Syria may alter the course of US military operations in the region as stated by commander of the Central Command Joseph Votel at a hearing before the US Senate.

    “Over the past few months, Russia has deployed new surface-to-air defense systems, they are ready for use, and this affects our freedom to maneuver in the area,” he noted.

    He stated that the United States needs to explore ways to decrease the possibility of an incident with the Russian …