Contents tagged with Pentagon

  • Mattis: NATO doubts Kremlin’s desire to comply with treaty on Elimination of Missiles

    Speaking at a press conference in Brussels after a meeting of defense ministers of NATO member countries, the head of the Pentagon, James Mattis, said that Russia has violated the terms of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

    “The bottom line is – you have to have respect for other nation’s security when you make agreements, and we have a firm belief that the Russians have violated the INF and our effort is to bring Russia back into compliance,” said Mattis.

    He also stressed …

  • Russia accuses US of possible breach of truce in southern Syria, Pentagon denies accusations

    On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry accused the Pentagon of a possible breach of the peace agreement in the southern de-escalation zone in the Syrian province of Daraa.

    This was elicited by what the Russian military considers “strange coincidences”.

    The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that initially they identified vehicles with large-caliber weapons, resembling the vehicles used by the radical Islamists, near the American Al-Tanf base, and then they documented the unobstructed …

  • Pentagon questions ability of Russia and Syria to defeat the Islamic State

    Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon said that he is skeptical of statements made by the Russian Defense Ministry regarding its successes in the fight against the Islamic state (IS).

    TASS quotes Pahon as saying that "The efforts of the authoritarian regime of [Syrian President Bashar Assad], Russia and Iran are unlikely to lead to a complete defeat of IS."

    According to Pahon, the emergence of IS "is linked, inter alia, with the repressive measures of the Assad regime." Against this background, he …

  • Pentagon: United States has no plans to conduct military work in Syria in conjunction with Russia

    The United States has no current plans to conduct military activities in Syria in conjunction with Russia. An exception is the prevention of dangerous incidents between the militaries of the two countries, said Pentagon spokesperson Michelle Baldanza, reports RBC news agency.

    According to Baldanza, the forces of the US and the International Coalition are not conducting work that envisages military cooperation or coordination with Russian forces. Baldanza explained that the coalition does not …

  • Pentagon confirms the closure of one of its military bases in Syria

    The coalition led by the United States as part of the campaign against the Islamic State opened several military bases in Syria and Iraq, some of which have already been closed, as stated by the Pentagon in response to a question by Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency.

    "Throughout Syria and Iraq, the coalition has opened and closed several bases, as required by the operational situation, in order to ensure effective support of our partners' forces. The decision to create and close temporary bases …

  • Pentagon: Russia and the US use 3 telephone lines for communication in Syria

    The Russian Armed Forces and coalitions led by the United States now support three direct telephone lines to prevent incidents between them in Syria. This was announced at a briefing on Thursday by US Colonel Ryan Dillon, the Spokesman for the Combined Joint Task Force of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), which is being conducted in Iraq and Syria by a coalition of countries led by the United States.

    According to Dillon, he is referring to lines between the commander of the Russian military …

  • Pentagon: US is committed to partnership with Ukraine

    The head of the Pentagon, James Mattis, told reporters on August 20 that during his visit to Ukraine he intends to confirm Washington's commitment to its strategic partnership with Kyiv, reports the press office of the US defense department.

    Earlier, the Pentagon reported on Mattis' visit to Kyiv, which will occur on August 24. The Ukrainian presidential administration has provided information that Petro Poroshenko will hold talks with the US Secretary of Defense.

    "I have meetings with …

  • Ukrainian politician: visit of the US Secretary of Defense to Ukraine could affect the situation in the Donbas and the Crimea

    President Petro Poroshenko and Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak’s meeting with the head of the Pentagon, James Mattis, could positively impact the future of sanctions against the Russian Federation, as well as the situation in the conflict zone in the Donbas and the Crimea, stated Deputy Minister for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons George Tuka in a commentary to 112 Ukraine.

    According to Tuka, Mattis's visit to Ukraine is of a political nature, but according to …

  • Pentagon: US has not changed its position on weapons for Ukraine

    The current US administration has not changed its position regarding the possibility of transferring weapons to Kyiv, and at present there are no such shipments. This was announced by Navy Captain Jeff Davis, a spokesperson for the US Defense Ministry, at a press briefing for foreign reporters.

    “I can tell you that there have been no changes in our policy,” the Pentagon’s representative stressed. In this regard he also said that “of course, at any specific moment in time there is internal …

  • Pentagon demands explanation from Turkey over plans to buy S-400 missile systems from Russia

    Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis stated at a briefing that Turkey needs to explain its intention to acquire Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.

    "Turkey is a NATO ally, and one of the cornerstone things we like to have with any of our allies…. is the ability to have equipment that interoperates," said Davis. "The reports of the S-400, and Turkey's purchase of that…Turkey would need to explain that for itself," he added.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in turn, said that he sees …