Contents tagged with Sweden

  • Sweden clarifies why Ukraine chose F-16 jets over Gripen: challenges of managing dual fighter systems

    Ukrainian authorities have concluded that implementing two Western fighter jet systems, the F-16 and the Gripen, in the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the same time is extremely challenging.

    Sweden's Foreign Minister Tobias Billström stated that Stockholm was ready to transfer its Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine, but Kyiv decided to hold off on this idea due to the receipt of the F-16 jets. In an interview with Voice of America, Billström explained that dealing with two complex systems …

  • Sweden announces largest military aid package for Ukraine, boosting air defense and command capabilities

    The Government of Sweden has announced its 16th and largest military aid package for Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion.

    "Sweden is assisting Ukraine with entirely new capabilities that strengthen Ukraine’s integrated air defence. The package, which will be included in the future budget with additional amendments, amounts to 13.3 billion Swedish kronor (approximately $1.3 billion) and meets Ukraine’s priority needs," the statement on the Swedish government website …

  • Sweden suspends delivery of Gripen Jets to Ukraine amid coalition’s F-16 focus

    Some member states of the air defence coalition have requested Sweden to pause the planned delivery of Gripen jets to Ukraine, said Swedish Defence Minister Pal Jonson in Brussels.

    "This is because the current focus is on the implementation of the F-16 system," he explained.

    Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway have pledged to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, with the first aircraft expected to be delivered this summer.

    "We do not rule out the possibility that this (delivery …

  • Sweden grants approval for Ukraine to use Swedish-supplied weapons against targets in Russia

    In response to a question from the editorial office of Hallandsposten, Swedish Defence Minister Pal Jonson said that Sweden allows Ukraine to conduct strikes using weapons supplied to it against targets in Russia. 

    "Ukraine is subjected to an unprovoked and illegal aggressive war by Russia. Under international law, Ukraine has the right to defend itself through military actions directed at the enemy’s territory, provided these actions comply with the laws of war. Sweden supports international …

  • Sweden boosts artillery shell production for Ukraine

    The Swedish government has entered into an agreement with the Nordic Ammunition Company, Nammo, to expand the production capacity of artillery ammunition in Sweden for supply to Ukraine, according to Sweden's Defence Materiel Administration (FMV).

    "This step is crucial for accelerating investments in industry production capacity," said FMV's head of armaments, Jonas Haggren, specifying that the agreement pertains to 155mm artillery shells.

    Haggren added that the agreement would also reduce …

  • Ukraine in talks with Sweden over potential Gripen aircraft supply

    Ukraine and Sweden are currently in talks regarding the potential supply of Gripen aircraft to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The discussions took place during a meeting between Ukraine's Minister of Defense, Rustem Umerov, his deputy Lieutenant General, Ivan Gavrilyuk, and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Micael Byden, as reported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

    "There continues to be fruitful bilateral work on the delivery of Gripen aircraft to us," stated Ivan …

  • Ukraine and Sweden agree to jointly produce and repair CV-90 IFVs

    Ukraine and Sweden have agreed to collaborate on the production and repair of the CV-90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) in Ukraine, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a joint press conference with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

    Zelensky stated, "Today, we have finalized the agreement for the production and repair of the CV-90 in Ukraine, as well as other related matters. We will make every effort to ensure that the first CV-90 manufactured in Ukraine is produced as …

  • Putin: Russia has no problems with Finland and Sweden joining NATO

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has no problems with Finland and Sweden, and the accession of these countries to NATO does not pose a threat to Moscow.

    "But the expansion of military infrastructure into this territory (Finland and Sweden) will certainly cause our response. What it will be, we will look at the threats that will be created for us, " said Putin at the summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

    He believes that the expansion of NATO is a …

  • Kremlin: Russia will consider Finland and Sweden adversaries if they join NATO

    If Finland and Sweden join NATO, then Russia will have more "officially registered adversaries,“ said the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, on Telegram.

    According to him, if Sweden and Finland join NATO, the length of the land borders of the Alliance with the Russian Federation will more than double.

    Medvedev said that in the face of this threat Russia will have to seriously strengthen its ground and air defense forces, as well as deploy significant naval forces to …

  • Sweden increases military presence on Gotland island due to Russia's activity in the Baltic Sea

    Sweden's Armed Forces have beefed up their units on the island of Gotland amid growing Russian military activity in the Baltic Sea. Earlier this week, Danish media reported that three ships of the Russian Navy entered the Baltic Sea through the Danish Great Belt Strait, DW reported.

    The Swedish public broadcaster SVT published footage showing the arrival of military personnel and equipment in the island. The troops and equipment were delivered by ferry to the administrative center of the …