Poland has found recording of conversation between Donald Tusk and Russian leadership on day of Tu-154 crash

Poland has uncovered new information about the circumstances surrounding the plane crash near Smolensk. According to the Polish Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, the former Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, talked to the representatives of Russian leadership on the day of tragedy. Tusk didn’t inform anyone about this talk, Russia's RIA Novosti reported.

Macierewicz said there is a record of a secret conversation between Tusk, Vladimir Putin, Sergey Shoygu and Dmitry Medvedev.

“Tusk didn’t even bother to inform anyone about his talk with the then Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and Sergey Shoygu, who was the Minister of Emergency Situations at that time, during which both representatives of the authorities of the Russian Federation and also representatives of special commission convened by the then Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, "already knowing" about the content of black boxes, presented the course of disaster. They provided a very detailed description of how events led to the crash,” Macierewicz said.

Tusk’s meeting with the representatives of Russian leadership allegedly took place in the evening of the day of the tragedy, on the 10th of April 2010 in Smolensk. The announcement about finding the Tu-154 flight recorders was made only at 6 PM on the day of tragedy. The flight recorders were decoded only 9 days later.

  Poland, Russia, Smolensk air crash
