• Putin and Poroshenko discuss possible prisoner exchange

    In a phone conversation on April 18th between the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko agreed to allow the Ukrainian consul general in Rostov to visit Nadiya Savchenko.

    On Poroshenko’s official website, he had urged Moscow to allow Ukrainian or German doctors to see the famous prisoner "due to the worsening health of Nadiya Savchenko." The parties have agreed "about the immediate admission of the consul general of Ukraine in Rostov to Nadiya Savchenko.”

    On …

  • Latvia finds Russian ships and submarines near its borders

    During the weekend and on Monday, the Armed Forces of Latvia repeatedly documented the presence of warships and submarines of the Russian Federation near the borders of the country. The National Armed Forces of Latvia said on Twitter that “a Russian Kilo-class submarine was discovered on the 18th of April, 2016 at the distance of 21 nautical miles from the border of Latvia.”On the day before, the Armed Forces recorded a sighting of a Russian Guard frigate in the exclusive economic zone of …

  • Media: US vetoed supply of Israeli drones to Russia

    FlightGlobal.com reported that the US Administration vetoed further sales of Israeli-produced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia.

    According to knowledgeable sources, in the past month, Russian companies repeatedly contacted Israeli UAV producers, trying purchase more drones. However, after the Israeli Ministry of Defense verified the possible realization of such deals, it became clear that such agreements would be vetoed by America. Negotiations were suspended indefinitely.

    Earlier, …

  • Samantha Power explains why the US does not supply Ukraine with weapons

    US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power stated on Sunday, April 17th during an interview for Voice of America that the US does not provide Ukraine with weaponry because it wishes to prevent an escalation of the conflict in Donbas. Washington considers Ukrainian reforms and sanctions against Russia to be more effective counters against the Kremlin’s aggression.

    "The White House considers that a military solution to the conflict would be a tragedy for everyone… If we provide Ukraine …

  • Iran showcases newly acquired Russian S-300 missile systems at military parade in Tehran

    The agency Mehr reported on 17th of April that the elements of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which Russia began to supply to Iran, were presented at the military parade in honor of National Army Day in Tehran. The Agency also provides the details about other missiles that were shown at the military parade. It was reported that modifications of the missiles of the different range, including X53, X29L, PLG, Gader, Nasr, Fakur, Fab-500 and AM54 were presented at the military parade.

    A …