Contents tagged with Peskov

  • Kim Jong-un to meet with Putin in Russia

    On April 25, the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the President of Russia will hold a meeting on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) located on the Russky Island, reports the newspaper Kommersant with reference to its sources involved in the preparation of Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia.

    RBC news agency also confirmed, citing its sources, that the meeting should take place next Thursday in Vladivostok. This will be Kim Jong-un's first visit to …

  • Zelensky’s team will not negotiate with DPR and LPR in the event of victory

    ​The spokesperson for the Ukrainian presidential candidate, Volodymyr Zelensky, Dmitry Razumkov, in an interview with the BBC, announced that Zelensky’s team is not going to negotiate with the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in the event of his victory in the presidential elections in Ukraine.

    “We, of course, do not conduct such negotiations. Negotiations should be held, and pressure should be placed on those who can make decisions. The so-called DPR and …

  • Putin intends to dispel Estonian security fears

    In meeting with Estonian President  Kersti Kaljulaid, Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to dispel Estonian security concerns about its neighbor to the east. This was relayed in a telephone interview to the Postimees newspaper by the press secretary of the Russian Head of State, Dmitry Peskov. He also defined one of the main goals of the meeting.

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to dispel Estonian security fears in meeting with Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid,” said Peskov in …

  • Putin sends birthday wishes to former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

    President Vladimir Putin sent birthday wishes to former German Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian oil giant Rosneft, Gerhard Schroeder, on his 75th anniversary, said Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov as quoted by  TASS.

    Peskov noted that Putin called Schröder and wished him success.

    Putin and Schroeder has maintained friendly relations from the time Schroeder served as chancellor of Germany. Schroeder also chairs the Nord Stream AG shareholder committee and sided …

  • Kremlin: Nazarbayev called Putin before resignation

    The press secretary of Russian President Putin, Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with the program “Moscow. Kremlin.Putin” on the channel Russia 1 announced that the former president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, had a telephone conversation with Putin a few hours before his official resignation.

    “Nursultan Abishevich called himself. Actually, they often call each other up as needed. It has always been like this in recent years. He called a couple of hours before the announcement,” Peskov …

  • Kremlin calls US actions against Nord Stream-2 'international racketeering'

    The press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, stated that the Kremlin sees the United States’ hostile attitude towards the Russian project "Nord Stream-2" as attempts of unfair competition, reports RBC news agency.

    “We are all aware that we are dealing with attempts of unfair competition, and sometimes with actions that are actually comparable to racketeering and raiding on the international level,” he said.

    Peskov added that instead, the White House should think about how to …

  • Former US ambassador urges American businessmen to leave Russia immediately

     The arrest of the US citizen Michael Calvey, founder of Baring Vostok, the largest direct investment firm in Russia, should be perceived as a signal for all American businesses that continue to operate in Russia, believes Michael McFaul, former US ambassador to Moscow. 

    According to McFaul, the incident with Calvey, who has been sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months due to a corporate conflict surrounding Vostochny bank, shows that it’s time for Americans to close up shop in …

  • Russia’s biggest American investor placed under 2 month arrest in Moscow

    Russia’s legal system continues to dampen the country’s already troubled investment climate.

    Michael Calvey, founder of Baring Vostok, the largest direct investment fund in Russia with more than 80 projects and $3 billion in capital invested in the Russian economy, was arrested by the Basmanny District Court of Moscow on Saturday and sent to a pre-trial detention center for two months.

    A graduate of the University of Oklahoma and the London School of Economics and Political Science, Calvey …

  • Russia: US sanctions on Venezuelan state oil company illegal

    Moscow has said that the sanctions imposed by Washington on PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company, in an attempt to undermine Nicolas Maduro’s power, are illegal. 

    “The legitimate leadership of Venezuela has already described these sanctions as illegal. One can fully get behind this perspective,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. 

    The US Treasury Department said that the measures against the Venezuelan state-owned oil company were adopted in order to “change the …

  • Kremlin denies sending Russian military to protect Maduro

    The Russian Press Secretary for the President Dmitry Peskov stated on the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” television program that Russians were not sent to Venezuela to protect the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro.

    He responded, “of course not,” to the corresponding question from a journalist, as quoted by Interfax quote.

    When the host of the program reminded that media is reporting more than 400 militants in Russia, sent to protect Maduro, Peskov said: “fear has a vivid imagination.”

    Earlier, …