Ukrainian Navy sinks Russian minesweeper in Sevastopol

In the early hours of May 19, a vessel from the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet, the minesweeper 266-M "Kovrovets", was sunk in the Russian-occupied Sevastopol. The Ukrainian Navy officially reported the destruction of the Russian ship.

"The Ukrainian Navy, along with our brothers-in-arms, continues to bring us closer to victory," the statement reads.

Residents of Sevastopol reported significant explosions near the Engineering Bay during the night. This led to rumors of multiple strikes on a Russian warship, which emitted heavy smoke following the explosions.

The Kovrovets is a 266-M project minesweeper. Its primary mission is to detect and neutralize sea mines. The 61-metre vessel boasts the following specifications:

- Maximum speed: 16.5 knots (approximately 30 km/h)

- Sailing range: 1500 miles

- Autonomy: 10 days

- Crew size: 68 (including 6 officers and 8 midshipmen)

- Displacement: Standard — 745 tonnes, Full — 800 tonnes

According to Russian sources, the ship was equipped with the following armaments:

- Two 9K32 Strela-2 missile launchers

- Two 30-mm AK-230M cannons

- Two 25-mm 2M-3M guns

- Hurricane rocket launcher

- 14.5-mm MTPU-1 "Sting" machine gun

- Seven KMD-1000 mines

This vessel joined the Black Sea Fleet of the Soviet Union in December 1974, originally named Navodchik. Over the years, its name was changed several times. In 1982, it was renamed Kurskiy Komsomolets, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it reverted to its original name. However, in July 1999, it was renamed Kovrovets.

Russian officials often regarded the Kovrovets as one of the top ships in the minesweeper division and a leader within the Red Banner Brigade.

It is worth recalling that at the end of April this year, Ukrainian forces sank another vessel, the Kommuna, in Sevastopol's Sukharna Bay. The Kommuna was a historical relic and the oldest vessel in the Russian Navy, being the only submarine rescue ship in the Russian Black Sea Fleet. It had been in service since 1915.

  War in Ukraine, Crimea, Sevastopol
