Contents tagged with Pentagon

  • US to allocate $4 million to Ukraine for construction of arsenals

    The United States is allocating $4 million to Ukraine for the construction of six storage facilities for explosives as part of a new Memorandum on Conventional Weapons Destruction signed by the two countries on June 25, reports the press service of the US State Department.

    "The United States and Ukraine signed a new memorandum of understanding on Conventional Weapons Stockpile Management. Signed by Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs R. Clarke Cooper and Ukraine …

  • Pentagon decides to allocate additional $250 million to Ukraine for defense

    The US Department of Defense announced that it will allocate an additional $250 million to Ukraine in the framework of cooperation between the countries in the field of defense, according to a statement on the Pentagon website.

    "This security cooperation is made possible by Ukraine’s continued progress on the adoption of key defense institutional reforms to align Ukraine’s national security architecture with Euro-Atlantic principles," reads the statement of the Defense Department of the USA. …

  • Warsaw and Washington agree to increase number of US troops in Poland

    The Chief of the Cabinet of the Polish President, Krzysztof Szczerski, said that the country has concluded talks on increasing the number of US troops, as reported by Polskie Radio. According to him, Polish President Andrzej Duda and US President Donald Trump would have to approve the  agreement.

    “As the political leaders of the countries, the presidents will decide whether or not they are satisfied with the deal. If so, we envision this political agreement will happen when the President of …

  • Russian Space Agency: Pentagon wants space sector relations to deteriorate

    The Pentagon’s decision to limit the use of Russian carrier rockets will lead to a deterioration in US-Russian relations in the space sector, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said in a statement on its official website.

    “This decision by the Pentagon could have a negative impact on the international cooperation to organize regular launches of spacecraft into targeted orbits on a commercial basis,” the statement reads.

    Roscosmos believes that, through this decision, the Pentagon is trying to …

  • Russia denies possibility of supplying ammunition to the US

    Russian defense concern Corporation Rostec, commenting on the reports about the Pentagon's intention to buy ammunition for Russian weapons, said that the supply of Russian ammunition for the needs of the United States is currently impossible. The ammunition of the Russian production can be delivered to the United States only in the case of lifting the sanctions, reports Interfax with reference to Rostec.

    Earlier, the publication Defence Blog reported that the Pentagon unit plans to purchase …

  • The United States and Lithuania sign a five-year plan for military cooperation

    The United States and Lithuania approved a plan of cooperation in the field of defence for the period up to 2024, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the Pentagon press service.

    This plan involves joint actions in the field of security of the Baltic region, joint exercises, sharing intelligence and improving the early warning capabilities of threats in the region.

    The US is planning to conclude similar agreements with Estonia and Latvia. As stated by the Pentagon, since 2014, the United …

  • Pentagon: US should have the right to inflict the first nuclear blow

    During a meeting in the U.S. Senate, which was broadcasted on the website of the Senate Committee on Armed Forces, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff committee, Joseph Dunford, was asked to clarify his opinion about Washington’s right to attack first with a nuclear strike.

    “It seems to me that our current policy (which allows such a right in the field of defense) complicates the adversary’s decision-making process. I would not recommend making a decision that will make this process …

  • Pentagon: Russia may use nuclear weapons against its neighbors

    The commander of the American forces on the European continent (EUCOM) and the commander-in-chief of the combined forces of NATO in Europe, General Curtis Scaparrotti, informed the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services that Russia’s military are studying the possibility of using nuclear weapons as a "part of the Russian doctrine and method of warfare", reported the Voice of America.

    The Pentagon believes that Russia could use nuclear weapons in limited military conflicts for “quick victories …

  • Ukrainian military intelligence: Russia intends to further destabilize Europe

    Ukrainian military intelligence has provided the US intelligence community with proof that Russia intends to further destabilize the situation in Ukraine and Europe, announced the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (HUR MOU) following a visit by its chief Vasyl Burba to the US.

    “During talks with Robert Ashley, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, the leaders of the CIA and the leaders of the US intelligence community, HUR MOU Head Colonel-General …

  • US to start producing components for missiles prohibited by Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    The US intends to start producing components for ground-based cruise missiles after it withdraws from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, announced US Defense Spokesperson Michelle Baldanza on Monday, 11 March.

    Previously the US could not engage in such production due to its obligations under the INF Treaty, the Pentagon spokesperson added. She noted that the components will be produced as part of a research program, which could be canceled “if Russia returns to full and …