Contents tagged with Pentagon

  • US to give Ukraine intelligence data about Donbas

    The US Air Force intends to give Ukraine the intelligence data that will be gathered during flights by the RQ-4 Global Hawk strategic surveillance drone over the region, Radio Liberty reports.

    The Pentagon refused to provide any specific details, noting only that all the flights will be coordinated with Ukraine.

    “The gathering of information, surveillance and intelligence carried out by the US Air Force will provide enough for our allies and partners to make decisions… Because this is a …

  • Erdogan: Turkey’s purchase of S-400 missile systems from Russia does not impact NATO security

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a rally in Diyarbakir, which was broadcast by TRT TV channel on Saturday, that the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems does not impact the security of NATO, the United States or fifth-generation F-35 fighters, which Turkey expects to receive from Washington.

    Erdogan emphasized that "the terms of use of Russian S-400s are not being concealed”. The Turkish President expressed hope that problems in relations between Ankara and …

  • US warns Turkey of serious consequences if Ankara goes ahead with purchase of S-400 missile systems from Russia

    During a press conference on Friday, the Acting Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, Charles Summers  announced that Turkey’s military relationship with the United States would face serious consequences if Ankara receives the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.

    "If Turkey takes the S-400s there will be grave consequences in terms of our military relations with them," he said.

    Summers explained that the purchase of the S-400 missiles systems from Russia would …

  • Ukrainian President : Kyiv hopes to receive various types of weapons from Washington

    At a meeting with US Vice President Michael Pence, during the Munich Security Conference, the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated that Ukraine hopes to receive various types of weapons from the US.

    “We had a very detailed meeting with the vice president. He stressed at the outset that Ukraine is a reliable strategic partner of the United States. We firmly hope for cooperation, including in the area of defense, for the supply of all types of weapons to Ukraine,” he said commenting to …

  • Pentagon to buy Israeli Iron Dome air defense system

    The US Defense Department has officially announced that it intends to purchase several of Israel’s Iron Dome defense systems.

    “Iron Dome will be tested and assessed with respect to its suitability for protecting the American soldiers deployed in various locations from a broad range of firing threats with indirect aiming and airborne threats. Iron Dome has been used by the Israeli army since 2011, and it has proven its combat capabilities, but it should be noted that the US will examine and …

  • Russia moves strategic bombers to Venezuela

    Russia has started transferring Tu-160 strategic bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, to Venezuela.

    “This will be the seventh “sortie” by Russian strategic aircraft in the last three months – the frequency of flights is increasing, and this is perceived by the US as provocation,” says Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon official.

    At the end of October, Tu-160 bombers were spotted on the Norwegian border. British and Norwegian fighters were scrambled to intercept them.

    In …

  • US carrier strike group enters Mediterranean

    A US Navy carrier strike group, headed by Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman, has begun an operation in the Mediterranean Sea, the US Navy’s press service reported.

    The operation is being held “to continue supporting NATO allies, European and African partner states, coalition partners and national security interests of the US and Europe in Africa”.

    According to US Sixth Fleet Commander Lisa Franchetti, the group will practice “the full scope of naval operations” during its stay in …

  • Merkel does not rule out Germany's participation in the strikes on Syria

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the statement of her government coalition partner in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) about the possible Bundeswehr involvement in Syria. "Saying “no” in advance to everything that happens in the world cannot be Germany's position," Merkel said on Wednesday, September 12, speaking in the general debate on the Bundestag budget.

    "We cannot ignore the use of chemical weapons elsewhere and how the international convention is not respected. …

  • Kremlin: we do not take seriously reports about possible US strikes on Russian military in Syria

    The Kremlin does not seriously consider news by the American media regarding possible strikes by the US military on Russian facilities in Syria, said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, as cited by RIA Novosti .

    “We no longer seriously consider media reports, because they have completely discredited [themselves]. We pay attention to official statements,” Peskov said.

    Earlier, on September 10th, the Wall Street Journal reported that the White House is considering …

  • US nuclear submarine moves from Gibraltar towards Syria

    The USS Newport News, a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered attack submarine which entered Gibraltar last week, left the port four days later and adopted a course towards the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Interfax reports, citing Gibraltar monitoring resources.

    In the published vessel tracking data, one can see that the cruise missile-bearing nuclear submarine rounded Europa Point and headed towards the Eastern Mediterranean.

    The US already has two of its nuclear submarines in the Mediterranean, …