Spain to deliver Leopard tanks and ammunition to Ukraine by June

Defence Minister Margarita Robles has confirmed that Spain will deliver a new batch of Leopard battle tanks to Ukraine by the end of June, along with various types of ammunition, according to a statement released by her department on Monday, reports El Mundo.

The minister emphasised the "important efforts" Spain is already making, highlighting in particular the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

Previously, Spain had delivered promised Patriot air defence system missiles to Ukraine

Additionally, Peter Stano, spokesperson for the European External Action Service, stated on Monday that the Russian offensive on Kharkiv "demonstrates once again" the urgent need for EU countries to provide Ukraine with air defence systems. He also asserted that "crimes against civilians and civilian infrastructure highlight the necessity for Europe to urgently increase air defence support for Ukraine."

On May 20, the 22nd meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group in the "Ramstein" format is taking place. At the opening, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that the coming months will be critical in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

  War in Ukraine, Leopard, Spain
