Contents tagged with Spain

  • Russian hacker accused of bank cyber-attacks pleads guilty in US court

    Russian programmer Stanislav Lisov, extradited to the United States from Spain in 2018, pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit a hacker attack, reported TASS with a reference to Russian lawyer Arkady Bukh and the Prosecutor's Office of the Southern District of New York. 

    Lisov pleaded guilty to one of the two charges. The maximum penalty for this crime is five years in prison. Bukh said that after serving the sentence in the United States, the Russian is likely to be deported to his homeland.  …

  • Spain arrests three Russian mafia leaders

    The police in Marbella, south of Spain, arrested three criminal mafia leaders from the former Soviet Union countries. They are accused of the attempted murder, documents falsification and being members of a criminal organization.  Country’s police released a video of their arrest that took place in a cafe.

    According to the Spanish police, the criminal leaders were detained when they allegedly discussed the plan to kill a member of the rival gang.

    According to DW report based on the Spanish …

  • France, Spain and Portugal to build gas pipeline for supply of American liquefied gas to EU

    French, Spanish and Portuguese leaders approved the EU decision regarding the supply of liquefied gas from the United States, according to the declaration signed by the three countries after the energy interconnection summit in Lisbon on Friday, July 27.

    The countries expressed interested in increasing the supply of the American liquefied gas through seven European ports. In addition, the countries insist on building a gas pipeline for gas to be transported to other European countries.

    Madrid …

  • Spanish intelligence accuses Kremlin of supporting crisis in Catalonia

    Spanish intelligence has published an official report revealing its suspicion that Russia intervened in the Catalan crisis.

    According to El Pais, Spain’s National Cryptologic Centre - which is responsible for protecting the country against cyberattacks on the state administrations network – published a report relating cyber threats discovered in 2017 and announcing Moscow's interference in the Catalonian elections. However, the agency did so without providing specific evidence of the latter.

    " …

  • Media: Former Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont considered possibility of fleeing to Russia

    Former Catalonian leader Carles Puigdemont considered the possibility of fleeing to Russia prior to his detention in Germany; however, he ultimately chose to attempt to return to Belgium, where the authorities did not extradite the politician back to Spain.According to sources of the newspaper El Mundo, Puigdemont considered two variations for further movement during his time in Finland at the end of March. In particular, he considered fleeing to St. Petersburg, which is not far from Helsinki. …

  • Spanish Foreign Minister: Russia needs to be condemned for invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea

    In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis believes that Russia should continue to be condemned for invading Ukraine and annexing the Crimea; at the same time, he believes a dialogue should be maintained with the country to resolve global conflicts.

    "Some of its [Russia's] activities cannot be considered friendly. Some of them are intolerable, such as the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea. However, one must be realistic and …

  • Spain extradites Russian businessman accused of stealing from FSB

    Spain has extradited Invest Victoria CEO Mikhail Lyagin, who is accused of stealing more than 550 million rubles ($9.7 million) from an FSB enterprise, the press service of the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) told Interfax.

    Russia’s Investigative Committee has charged Lyagin according to two articles of the Criminal Code – Art. 159 (fraud on an especially large scale) and Art. 174 (money laundering). The case is being overseen by the Sochi department of the Russian Ministry of …

  • Russian deputy faces up to 5.5 years in Spanish prison in 'Russian Mafia' case

    In Spain, State Duma Deputy Vladislav Reznik faces up to five and a half years in prison and a €100 million fine in the case of the “Russian mafia”, reported La Opinion de Malaga.

    On Monday, February 19, the court began to hear the case about money laundering in Spain by Russian immigrants. According to the investigation, the crimes were committed in the 1990s.

    Among the defendants of the case is the current State Duma deputy Vladislav Reznik. He attended the trial. “I came to the session …

  • Spain extradites Russian 'King of Spam' to US

    According to the Spanish police’s website, the Spanish authorities have extradited Russian hacker Peter Levashov, who had been accused of cyber-fraud, to the United States.

    36-year-old St. Petersburg native Peter Levashov was arrested by the Spanish authorities in April 2017. The United States immediately demanded his extradition. Levasho was incriminated in the creation and use of a Botnet more commonly known as Kelihos. Hundreds of thousands of computers around the world were Infected with …

  • Austrian court makes final decision on extradition of Ukrainian oligarch Firtash to Spain

    The Vienna Court of Appeals has decided to refuse Spain’s request for the extradition of Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash. The court's decision, which was reported by Levyy Bereg, is final and cannot be appealed.

    The court thus confirmed the legality of the decision taken in October by the Higher Regional Court of Vienna.

    The Court of Appeals decided to refuse Firtash’s extradition to Spain due to the absence of a crime, place and time.

    "The Court ruled to deny the Spanish request for …